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2019 08 16
Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Procedures
3 min. skaitymo
Dreaming of plumper lips or trying beauty injections? This is what a doctor of plastic and reconstructive surgery has to say

We are living in times when we have the possibility to create our appearance in a way that we feel is the most beautiful. In just a few hours, we can change not just a hairdo but also certain facial features.

2019 07 05
Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Procedures
4 min. skaitymo
Elena from vilnius decided to try a special beauty injection – and didn’t expect such results

Tiny wrinkles, fatigue, less firm skin – this would be the mirror reflection of many women above the age of 45. An artist and jeweller, Elena believes that every one of us should care about our appearance. That is why she doesn’t reconcile with the signs of age on her face but bravely fights them.

2019 05 30
Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Procedures
3 min. skaitymo
Abdominal plastic surgery after dieting and for those who want to improve their figure

People who lose a lot of weight quickly immediately encounter another problem: as the fat suddenly disappears, lots of loose skin remains. Gabrielė Latakaitė, a doctor of plastic and reconstructive surgery at the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre, advises how to solve this problem.

2019 05 30
Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Procedures
3 min. skaitymo
A perfect body after pregnancy, or what abdominal plastic surgery can do

During pregnancy a woman’s body changes substantially, and not everyone is able to regain their previous forms. Sometimes the stomach protrudes, even after exercising intensely.

2018 09 12
Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Procedures
7 min. skaitymo
Liposuction: an interesting secret about our bodies unveiled

To make history easier to understand, a certain background explanation is required. This discovery is from the field of human anatomy, i.e. science about the human body’s structure. Anatomy is divided into macro-anatomy (what can be seen with the naked eye) and microanatomy, where optical help is necessary.

2018 02 10
Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Procedures
7 min. skaitymo
Open your eyes: openly about lid operations

Eyes are the mirror of the soul, the most distinctive and expressive feature of the face. It’s not in vain that people want their eyes to sparkle and be nicely “framed”, emphasized by added lashes, colourful cosmetics, and a nicely drawn arch of the brows.

2017 03 24
Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Procedures
9 min. skaitymo
Men: aesthetics and the cult of youth

Men are rushing to beauty clinics! Wrinkle-smoothing injections and face contouring, liposuction, eyelid plastic and implants – members of the “stronger sex” want to be attractive and feel desirable too.
