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Grikiniene Jurgita Vaiku neurologe


Doctor Grikiniene Jurgita

Pediatric neurologists

Working hours
I 4.00 p.m.-8.00 p.m.

since 2002

professional experience

46 000+

consultations during her career

Jurgita Grikinienė consults on child neurological diseases and developmental disorders. She performs Botox injections in children with cerebral palsy. She is interested in epilepsy, non-epileptic seizures, treatment of epilepsy, sex differences, infectious and autoimmune diseases of the nervous system, neuromuscular disorders, rare neurological conditions, and developmental disorders in infants, children, and adolescents.

Dr Grikinienė has gained wide experience while working as a senior paediatric neurologist at the Paediatric Neurology Department at one of the largest hospitals in Lithuania, Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos.

Jurgita Grikinienė is a member of the Multiple Sclerosis Coordination Centre and the Republican Epilepsy Coordination Centre at Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, head of the Competence Centre for Rare Child Neuromuscular Diseases, a member of the Competence Centre for Child Epilepsy and Sleep Disorders and Competence Centre for Lysosomal Storage Diseases and several Lithuanian professional societies.

As part of her continuous professional development, Dr Grikinienė participates in courses in Lithuania and abroad: Germany, Norway, Austria, Israel, Italy, Czechia among others. She gives presentations at scientific conferences, and organizes and gives refresher courses at Vilnius University, ‘Topical issues in paediatric neurology’, ‘Epilepsy in children and sleep disorders’.

Assoc. prof. Dr Grikinienė has published 30 scientific articles and more than 30 conference papers and exhibition presentations in neurology.

Dr Grikinienė lectures medical students at the Clinic of Children’s Diseases, Vilnius University; she is responsible for the paediatric neurology resident training programme and is head of the student research network in paediatrics.

Patients about doctor

We are delighted to have found such a good doctor. We came to the center because we were very worried about the deterioration in the condition of our daughter, the doctor reassured us and prescribed the necessary tests and medicines. The doctor was pleasant and...
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1994 – paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University.

1996 – residency in general paediatrics, Vilnius University.

2002 – residency in paediatric neurology, Vilnius University.

Associate professor at the Clinic of Children’s Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University.

2006 – defended her doctoral dissertation in biomedical sciences titled ‘Magnesium, sodium and chloride urinary excretion in epileptic adolescents (influence of gender and valproate by experimental and clinical data)’.

2017-present – paediatric neurologist, Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre.

2002-present – senior paediatric neurologist, Paediatric Neurology Department, Paediatrics Centre, Children’s Hospital, Affiliate of Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos.

As part of her continuous professional development, Dr Grikienė participates in courses on epilepsy in children in Munich (Germany), Kiel (Germany), Granavollen (Norway), Eilat (Israel), Brno (Czechia); in courses on paediatric neurology in Salzburg (Austria), Milan (Italy); in refresher courses of Vilnius University and the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences; and in other Lithuanian and international scientific-practical conferences.

2005-present – Clinic of Children’s Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University

Dr Grikinienė lectures medical students at the Clinic of Children’s Diseases, Vilnius University; she is responsible for the paediatric neurology resident training programme, works as a residency supervisor in paediatric neurology, and is head of the student research network in paediatrics.

Author of 30 scientific articles, more than 30 conference papers and exhibition presentations.

2013-present – member of the Multiple Sclerosis Coordination Centre and Republican Epilepsy Coordination Centre, Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos.

2015-present – head of the Competence Centre for Child Rare Neuromuscular Diseases, member of the Competence Centre for Child Epilepsy and Sleep Disorders and Competence Centre for Lysosomal Storage Diseases.

Member of the Lithuanian Association of Neurology and the Lithuanian Paediatric Society, member of the council of the Lithuanian Association of Paediatric Neurology and Lithuanian Society of Epileptology.


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