Doctor Lapteva Ona
Working hours
since 2014
in medical practice
7 800+
consultations during her medical career
surgeries during her medical career
Ona Lapteva consults on spinal degenerative diseases and deformities (scoliosis/kyphoscoliosis/sagittal deformities), on spinal oncology, peripheral nerve pathology, spinal cord oncology, vascular pathology of the spinal cord.
As part of her continuous professional development she attends courses and conferences in Lithuania and abroad, including the US, the UK, Germany, Sweden, Denmark among others. Ona Lapteva has undergone training organized by prestigious European universities, such as Cambridge, UK, and Innsbruck, Austria. She has also had traineeships in clinics in Germany and the US.
She has co-published various scientific papersin Lithuanian and international science journals.
Dr Lapteva is a member of the Lithuanian Neurosurgical Society, European Association of Neurosurgical Societies, and AOSpine, an international community of spine surgeons.
Dr Lapteva diagnoses and treats the following diseases
- Spine and spinal cordinjuries
- Spinal degenerative diseases
- Scoliosis
- Kyphoscoliosis
- Other spine deformities
- Peripheral nerve pathology and trauma
- Spine and spinal cord oncology
- Vascular pathology of the spinal cord
Tests and procedures most frequently ordered or performed
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Computed tomography
- X-ray exams
- Spine and peripheral nerve-induced pain treatment procedures
- Epidural/periepidural steroid injections
- Trigger point injections
- Facet joint injections
- Peripheral nerve injections
- Cryodestruction/cryodenervation
- Cranial and peripheral nervesurgeries
- Herniated discsurgeries
- Carpal tunnel syndrome surgeries
- Cubital tunnel syndrome surgeries
- Thoracic outlet syndrome surgeries