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Seibutiene Milda Vidaus ligu gydytoja

Doctor Seibutiene Milda

Physicians of internal diseases (therapists)

Working hours
The doctor works rotating shifts.
For the exact working hours, please contact the reception.

since 1992

professional experience

72 000+

consultations during the professional career

The physician provides consultations regarding the acute and chronic lung cardiac, gastrointestinal, endocrine and other diseases of the internal organs.

She is improving her professional qualification in different scientific conferences and trainings.

She is a member of Lithuanian Society of Internists.

Patients about doctor

I had my first visit on 13 June this year, I am very grateful to Doctor Milda Seibutienė for her help, sincere words and warm words of comfort.


1982 - Graduated from Vilnius University, the Faculty of Medicine, acquired General Practitioner's Diploma.

1988-1989 - Internship at Vilnius University Red Cross Hospital.

1998-2001 - General Practice Residency at Vilnius University.

1992-2003 - Therapeutic Physician, General Practitioner at Šeškinės Policlinics.

Since 2003 - Internist, General Practitioner at Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Centre.

A member of Lithuanian Society of Internists.

Please do not postpone important decisions - take care of yourself now!
