Doctor Stankunas Erikas
Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists
Working hours
since 1997
professional experience
29 000+
consultations during the professional career
The physician provides consultations regarding different disorders of mental health. He provides individual psychotherapy consultations. The psychoanalysis professional, applying the modern methods of contemporary psychoanalysis
The physician is improving his professional qualification in different scientific conferences and trainings in Lithuania and abroad.
He was a lecturer at Vilnius Educology University.
He is the true member of the Lithuania Psychiatrist Association and the member of the Lithuanian Psychoanalysis Society.
Diagnoses and treats the following diseases
- Schizophrenia
- Panic disorder
- Personality disorders
- Dependences
- Bipolar affective disorder manic depression
- Depression
- Mania
- Sleep disorders
- Narcomania
- Anxiety disorder
- Dementia
- Eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia)
Usually prescribes and carries out the following procedures
- The examinations are not prescribed directly – the physician cooperates with neurologists.