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Buterleviciute Stribiene Alergologe


Doctor Stirbiene Neringa

Allergologists and clinical immunologists

Working hours
V 8.00 p.m.-4.00 p.m.

since 2014

in medical practice

15 000+

consultations during her medical career

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Neringa Stirbienė consults adults and children on all allergic and primary immunodeficiency diseases. She specializes in the treatment of atopic and allergic contact dermatitis, food allergy, and allergic rhinitis. She uses both traditional and innovative treatment methods in her practice.

Dr Stirbienė has gained wide practical experience while working at Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, one of the largest health facilities in Lithuania.

As part of her continuous professional development, Dr Stirbienė attends refresher courses in Lithuania and abroad. She is a member of Lithuanian and European societies of her field.

Patients about doctor


2004-2010 – medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University

2010-2014 – residency in allergology and clinical immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University

2014-present – doctoral studies, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University


2015-present – allergologist and clinical immunologist, Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre

2014-present – allergologist and clinical immunologist, Children's Hospital, Affiliate of Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos

2014-2015 – allergologist and clinical immunologist, Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos

Allergologist and clinical immunologist

2012 – ‘Drug hypersensitivity reactions’, Munich, Germany.

2012 – EAACI Allergy School on Specific Allergy and Immunotherapy, El Escorial, Spain.

2013 – EAACI-WAO World Allergy and Asthma Congress, Milan, Italy.

2013 – 3-month traineeship at the Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

2014 – EADV Contact Dermatitis Course, Malmö, Sweden.

2015 – EAACI Allergy School on Early Diagnostics and Treatment of the Most Common Allergic Diseases in Infants and Children, Taormina, Italy.

2015 – Seminar III on primary immunodeficiencies diagnostics, Slavonice, Czechia.

Participates at conferences of Lithuanian Societies of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Pulmonology, and Dermatovenereology, and European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology.

Buterlevičiūtė N., Rudzevičienė O., Kvedarienė V. 2012. Padidėjęs vaikų jautrumas vietiniams anestetikams (Hypersensitivity to local anaesthetics in children), Vaikų pulmonologija ir alergologija, 15/1: 102-109.

Kvedarienė V., Rudzevičienė O., Būtienė I., Šitkauskienė B., Buterlevičiūtė N., Norkūnienė J., Gomes E., Demoly P. 2012. Padidėjusio vaikų jautrumo vaistams paplitimas Lietuvoje (Prevalence of drug hypersensitivity in children in Lithuania), Vaikų pulmonologija ir alergologija, 15/2:14-21.

Buterlevičiūtė N., Malinauskienė L., Vaitkevičiūtė L., Blažienė A. 2014. Gripo vakcinos sukelta Henoch-Schönlein purpura (Flu shot-induced Henoch-Schönlein purpura), Vaikų pulmonologija ir alergologija, 17/1: 33-37.

Buterlevičiūtė N., Malinauskienė L. 2014. Atopinis dermatitas ir jo gydymo principai (Atopic dermatitis and its treatment principles), Internistas, 2 (139).

Buterlevičiūtė N., Malinauskienė L. 2014. Antihistaminių vaistų poveikis centrinei nervų sistemai (Antihistamine effects on the central nervous system), Internistas, 4 (141): 30-35.

Buterlevičiūtė N., Malinauskienė L. 2014. Padidėjusio jautrumo reakcijos į jodo kontrastines medžiagas (Hypersensitivity reactions to iodinated contrast media), Astma. Imunologija, 1 (5): 59-63.

Buterlevičiūtė N., Malinauskienė L. 2015. Alergija kiaušiniams (Egg allergy), Astma. Imunologija, 1 (6): 13-15.


2012-present – member of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)

2013-present – member of the European Respiratory Society (ERS)

2014-present – member of the Lithuanian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (LAKID) 

2015-present – member of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID)

Travel, books, cinema.

Please do not postpone important decisions - take care of yourself now!
