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Verikaite Jone urologas

Doctor Verikaite Jone


Working hours
I 8.00 a.m.-3.00 p.m.
II 8.00 a.m.-4.00 p.m.
III 8.00 a.m.-4.00 p.m.
IV 8.00 a.m.-4.00 p.m.
V 8.00 a.m.-3.00 p.m.

since 2008

professional experience

13 000+

consultations during the professional career


lithotripsy procedures during the professional career


surgeries during the professional career

The physician provides consultations for different acute and chronic diseases of the urinary tract in females and males; male benign prostate hyperplasia, acute and chronic prostatits, diagnostics and treatment of prostate oncological diseases, urination and erectile disorders. For the treatment of urinary bladder and kidney stone disease, She carries out lithotripsy procedures (breaking the kidney stones by ultrasound waves) and various urological surgeries.

The doctor continuously improves her professional qualification in different scientific conferences and training in Lithuania and abroad, including Germany, Italy, Portugal and others.

Patients about doctor

Hello, I would like to thank Doctor Jonė Verikaitė for her professionalism, respect and good mood. The doctor deserves all the best praise and evaluation. Thank you


1990-2002 - Bazilionai Secondary School (Šiauliai District).

2002–2010 – Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, professional qualification of medical doctor.

2009-2014 – Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, urology residency, professional qualification of physician urologist.

2019 up to now – Medicine Diagnostics and Treatment Centre, physician urologist.

2019 – Sandyford Healthcare, the Clinic in Dublin established by the Medicine Diagnostics and Treatment Centre, physician urologist.

2014 up to now – Vilnius City Clinical Hospital Polyclinic and Day Surgery Department, physician urologist.

2014 m. – up to now Karoliniškių Polyclinic, physician urologist.

2014 – 2015 – Oncology Polyclinic of the Republican Šiauliai Hospital, physician urologist.

2014 – 2015 – Urology Department of the Republican Šiauliai Hospital, physician urologist.

2012 – 2014 – Urology Department of the Republican Šiauliai Hospital, physician’s assistant.

2008-2012 – Šiauliai Emergency Service, medical doctor.

Relevant issues of the treatment of cancer of prostate, kidney and urinary bladder, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Cancer and sexual function Vilnius, Lithuania.

Practical aspects of the diagnostics and treatment of irritable urinary bladder and acute uncomplicated cystitis. Vilnius, Lithuania.

37th Congress of Sotiete Internationale d’Urologie (SIU), Lisbon, Portugal.

Diagnostics and treatment of female urine incontinence, Vilnius, Lithuania.

31st Annual Congress of  the European Association of  Urology, Munich, Germany.

Surgical treatment of urinary incontinence, Vilnius, Lithuania.

3rd. Friends of Israel Urological Symposium, Tel Aviv , Israel.

Global Congress on Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction, Roma Italy.

Emirates International Urological Conference, Dubai, UAE.

EAU Baltic meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania.

11th European Urology Residents Education Programme (EUREP), Praha, Czech Republic.

Travelling, books, gastronomy.

Please do not postpone important decisions - take care of yourself now!
