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Payment and services

You can pay for the Services received in our Centre by using the service of GENERAL FINANSING BANKO MEDLIZINGAS (medical lease payment). Please contact the cash desk, if you are interested in using this service.

The first sentence in RU and EN languages should be as follows:

The foreigners residing in Lithuania and paying taxes for the Republic of Lithuania, can pay for the Services received in our Centre by using the service GENERAL FINANSING BANKO MEDLIZINGAS (medical lease payment). If the patient who wants to use lease payment service has a temporary permission to live in Lithuania, “General Financing“ may ask to provide an additional data for the assessment (such as an assessment of the financial situation of his/her spouse).
Please contact the cash desk, if you want to use a lease payment option.

We know how it is important to take care about the personal health and health of your loved ones. We can lend out up to 25 000 Euro for your planned or unexpected medical expenses by using the service of “General Financing“ GENERAL FINANSING BANKO MEDLIZINGAS. You can make your choice from the large network of our partners and the first contribution can be delayed up to 3 months period.

Find out more abut the service GENERAL FINANSING BANKO MEDLIZINGAS (medical lease payment). See for more useful information bout the lease payment and not only about it.

By using the service  GENERAL FINANSING BANKO MEDLIZINGAS (medical lease payment) you can buy at our centre for up to 25,000 Euros! We provide this service together with UAB „General Financing“, a limited liability company.
The lease payment procedures are easy and simple, as solvency of each client is assessed automatically and takes few minutes by using the advanced information system, which allows to receive and assess data about the person from different data bases and registries.

It is worth to use medical lease payment, because:

  • we cover service price to 25,000 Euros;

  • You can chose the instalment period for up to 84 months;

  • the first contribution can be delayed up to 3 months period;

  • You can use one of the largest contribution collection network.

The following persons can use the lease payment service:

  • those who get earnings on the basis of employment contract;

  • those receiving permanent benefits (pension, allowance etc.) from the social insurance fund;

  • governmental officers, including statutory governmental officers;

  • statutory governmental officers, currently pensioners;

  • farmers.

If you want to use the lease payment service you should have one of the following personal identity proving documents:

  • a passport of the citizen of the Republic of Lithuania;

  • a personal ID card.

Note. We may ask to show an additional document - an official certificate of statutory officer, if needed.

Those who want to use the service of medical lease payment are kindly asked to visit Hila (V. Grybo str. 32, Vilnius). We will ask to present a personal identity proving document and will arrange all formalities needed to get the service.

At first we will listen to your requests about preferred Hila services and with your consent will ask to complete the request form (, then we will carry ut the assessment of your solvency. If we receive a positive answer we will present an offer for services using GENERAL FINANSING BANKO MEDLIZINGAS (medical lease payment). If you accept our offer, we will prepare a lease payment agreement.

For more information about the service visit GENERAL FINANSING BANKO MEDLIZINGA or call tel. +370 698 00000.


Persons covered by the health insurance taken in the private insurance companies of the Republic of Lithuanian or of the foreign countries can pay for the services provided in the Medicine Diagnostics and Treatment Centre according to the provisions of agreements made between the patient (client) and he insurance company (usually both parties pay for the services – the insurance company and the patient).
We ask our patients to discuss with their insurance company how much and for which services the insurance company is going to pay. The telephone numbers of the insurance experts are listed in the patient's voluntary insurance booklet.
We hope that you understand that the Centre will not be responsible for the decisions made by the establishments providing additional (voluntary) insurance services not to pay or partially not to pay for the services that were provided according to medical indications and patient's health condition.

We have entered into the agreements with these life and health insurance companies of the Republic of Lithuania:

Since 21 September 2019 the insurance company ERGO has changed rules of payment for the services provided in our Centre, applicable for the holders of ERGO insurance card. Since today for the services you can pay in the Centre cash desk from your own pocket and for reimbursement of expenses according to your effective insurance agreement please contact the insurance company.

For the services according to the health insurance agreement you can pay in the cash desk. Don’t forget to print your waiting queue ticket in the ticket terminal.

For more information about the payment through the Lithuanian insurance companies please contact using tel. number (8 5) 247 6413, e-mail:

Citizens of the European Union, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway (hereinafter– countries of EEA (European Economic Area) who wish to get healthcare services in other country, have the opportunity to get reimbursement in their country of medical expenses incurred at the Medicine Diagnostics and Treatment Centre, associated with diagnostics and treatment, including surgeries.

The reimbursement rules are defined by the provisions of the Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare and the rules of healthcare system in the patient's country.

We would like to note that if you want to exercise your right to get reimbursement of medical expenses you should meet/satisfy certain conditions.

We recommend to contact the authorities of your country before visiting Medicine Diagnostics and Treatment Centre to sure that you will get reimbursement for the services in the specific case.

You may personally take care about the documents required for reimbursement of your expenses or you may contact the institutions which will help you to get reimbursement of costs related to your treatment at the Medicine Diagnostics and Treatment Centre.

What you should know if you want get treatment abroad and to receive reimbursement from NHS (UK)?

  • The patient should be a resident of (i. e. living permanently in) the United Kingdom For that you do not need the resident permit, it is enough to have the right to live in the country and to have the documents proving such right (e. g., excerpts from bank account, UK driving licence etc., you should have a registration at general practitioner (GP)). A person is considered as a permanent resident (i. e. citizen) of UK if he/she has the right to live in the country and spends in this country more than 183 days per year.

  • The patient cannot request to get reimbursed for the treatment outside the European Union and the countries of the European Economic Area (the list of EU and EEA is provided here).

  • The patient has to submit the documents proving that such treatment for him/her was necessary.

  • The applied treatment should be available also in NHS establishments.

  • For some treatment the preliminary permission is required.

  • The treatment costs equal to the costs of such treatment at NHS will be reimbursed.

Whom should I contact regarding the compensation?

Patients living in England can get reimbursement of their medical expenses from NHS England.

For this information you may contact:
„Medrefund LTD“
tel. +44 (0) 7729438051

People living in Sweden may contact:
Regina Molina
tel. +467 056 18 388

People living in Norway may contact:
MB „Laba diena“, Vilnius
tel. +370 685 25 442
or the Norwegian State Health Economics Administration

For the patients living in Ireland information is provided by HSE (Health Service Executive):
tel. +353 (0)45 880400
(Monday to Friday 8.00 a.m.–8.00 p.m.. and Saturday 9.00 a.m.–4.00 p.m.)

Renata Zaveckienė
tel. +353 879 842760

We cooperate with the following foreign life and health Insurance Companies:

If you are paying for the medical services through the foreign insurance companies, please provide the following documents:

  • personal identification document,

  • insurance card (policy),

  • insurance forms.

General information abut the rules of payments made by the foreign insurance companies

The majority of the foreign insurance companies reimburse treatment expenses in case of sudden illness, trauma, of annual health check-ups and medicines. he insured persons have an opportunity to receive the medical services that are paid by the insurance companies both in governmental and private healthcare establishments.

Payment for the healthcare services

Each insurance option is associated with rather specific list of commercial services. It is provided in the insurance agreement and is described in detail in the insurance information booklet, which is given to the patient together with an insurance policy. Health insurance is a personal insurance agreement. Its content is predetermined by the age, health status of the insured person and the level of contributions.

Below are listed the main groups of healthcare services that are reimbursed by the insurance companies:

  • consultations with the physicians, laboratory and instrumental examinations, additional consultations with specialists, healthcare services at home;

  • treatment at a hospital: surgeries, consultations, bed days (except the request for individual single bed ward);

  • reimbursement of medicines, when claimed together with the treatment costs.

The healthcare services that are potentially are not reimbursed by the insurance companies:

  • comfort services: telephone calls, TV services, a single-bed ward;

  • treatment of the patients with psychoactive substances (narcotics, alcohol) dependence;

  • treatment applying non-traditional treatment methods;

  • treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS and HIV, and potency disorders;

  • cosmetic and plastic surgery;

  • treatment of chronic diseases. Exception: some insurance companies apy for the treatment of chronic diseases, when the disease is diagnosed after a certain time from the date of insurance policy.

For more information about the payment through the foreign insurance companies please contact using tel. number
(+370 5) 247 6363, e-mail:

Using the payment terminal (self-service) you can pay by payment card – this is the safest and the most convenient payment method, if you do not need the invoice or you are paying using the private health insurance policy.

In the cash desk you can pay in cash or by a bank payment card, also to get a VAT invoice proforma and to pay for the services using the private health insurance policy.
If you are paying at the cash desk please print a waiting queue number in the ticket terminal.

For detailed information on payment conditions please call tel. (8 5) 247 63 24.

We want that the private medical would be accessible for as many people as possible, therefore we cooperate with the Sick Funds. We provide the personal healthcare services according to the terms of agreements made with the Territorial Sick Funds (TSF).

For the persons covered with the mandatory health insurance the health care services at The Medicine Diagnostics and Treatment Centre are provided free of charge within the framework of the following health check-up programmes:

  • The programme for early colorectal cancer diagnostics .

  • The programme for breast cancer mammography screening.

  • The programme for early prostate cancer diagnostics .

  • The programme of cervix cancer preventive measures.

Reimbursement of cross-border healthcare services

The provisions of the directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare (OL 2011 L 88, p. 45) were transposed into the national law and became effective on 25 October 2013, which provide the opportunity of the persons covered with the mandatory health insurance to get treated and to receive the necessary health care services in the Member States of the European Union and in Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway (hereinafter –countries of EEA ). It should be stated that for the persons insured in other country of EEA the healthcare services are provided and their costs should be paid by the insured person according to the rules defined by the national legal acts of the country in which the treatment is provided. The reimbursement of cross-border healthcare expenses from the budget of the Compulsory Healthcare Insurance Fund for the persons insured in Lithuania is regulated by the Rules of the reimbursement of the cross-border healthcare expenses (hereinafter – The Rules) approved by Order No V-957 of The Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania dated 15 October 2013 “Regarding the approval of the Rules of the reimbursement of the cross-border healthcare expenses” . It is defined in the above mentioned Rules that expenses of the insured persons for the cross-border healthcare from the budget of the Compulsory Healthcare Insurance Fund are reimbursed in the extent and according to the rules corresponding the extent and rules for reimbursement of the expenses of healthcare services in the Republic of Lithuania according to the provisions of the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

Thus, in cases when the patient having the referring notice issued by the healthcare establishment, which has entered into agreement with the Territorial Sick Fund travels to other country of EEA and pays for the provided healthcare services from hi/her own pocket according to the rules defined by the national legal acts of that country, in Lithuania for the reimbursement of the expenses of cross-border healthcare services he/she has has to apply to his/her Territorial Sick Fund. the insured person or his/her representative pursuing to receive reimbursement of the expenses of cross-border healthcare services has to apply to his/her Territorial Sick Fund not later than 1 year after the receiving personal healthcare services and/or dispensation of the medicines and/or medical devices or medical aids in the country providing treatment. The following documents should be submitted while applying to the Territorial Sick Funds:

  • written request to reimburse the expenses of cross-border healthcare services;

  • a document proving personal identity or approved copy of such document (if the Request is submitted by post or by a courier);

  • medical records or their copies, including:

    • a copy of referring notice from a personal health care establishment of the Republic of Lithuania, which has entered into an agreement with territorial Patients Funds (except primary personal health care services) in case an insured person at a country providing treatment received specialised out-patient and in-hospital personal health care services;

    • copies of documents and prescriptions proving prescription and receipt of reimbursable medicines, medical devices or medical aid devices (in case a request to reimburse expenses of purchase of medicines, medical devices or medical aid devices has been submitted);

    • if prescriptions for reimbursable medicines or medical aid devices for an insured person were issued at the Republic of Lithuania – 3 copies of the prescriptions (in exceptional cases), based on which these medicines or medical aid devices were dispensed in a country providing treatment;

    • financial documents (invoices, cash desk receipts, cash desk vouchers, etc.).

We also would like to inform that the following expenses will not be reimbursed by the means of the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund:

  • expenses related to the cross-border healthcare: travel, accommodation costs, meal, transportation, interpretation etc. expenses;

  • patient's fees and surcharges, which were for the service provider in a country providing treatment;

  • expenses for the personal healthcare services provided in a country providing treatment, which were not included in the Lists of the healthcare service,s which costs are reimbursed from the budget of the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, approved by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania;

  • expenses for medicines, medical devices and medical aids designed for the treatment in an outpatient setting, if they are not included in the lists approved by the Minister of Health.

In the cases when it is discovered that at the moment while receiving the cross-border healthcare services in other country of EEA, a person was not covered by the compulsory health insurance in the Republic of Lithuania, or the insured person (or hs/her representative) failed to submit all necessary documents or does not submit the missing documents within the period of 10 working days, the Territorial Sick Fund informs the person about the refusal to accept the request. In the cases when it is discovered that at the moment while receiving the cross-border healthcare services in other country of EEA, a person was covered by the compulsory health insurance and all necessary documents were submitted, the request is transferred to the cross-border healthcare expenses reimbursement board, which analysis the submitted documents and makes a decision regarding the reimbursement or non reimbursement of the cross-border healthcare expenses.

More informations about the options for the insured persons to exercise the rights related to the services of elective treatment in EU, emergency medical care in EU, cross-border healthcare services, etc., is available at the website of the contact centre for cross-border healthcare, acting in out country, see link For information about the healthcare services provided in other countries of EEA, please contact the competent authorities of the appropriate countries (national contact centres) see link