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Cardiology (cardiovascular treatment)

In the Cardiology Centre, which is one of the division of Medicine Diagnostics and Treatment Centre, physicians cardiologist provide consultations for all heart disorders in children and adults, prescribe and themselves carry out necessary examinations, provides advice on disease prophylaxis and healthy life style, recommendations on the necessary kinesitherapy procedures for health strengthening. 

The most common diseases: High blood pressure (hypertension, arterial blood pressure (ABP)), aortic aneurysm, ischemic heart disease, myocarditis, myocardial infarction (heart attack), thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery, atrial fibrillation and flutter (af, afl), heart failure, heart rhythm disturbance (arrhythmia), tachycardia.

Treatment. Heart echoscopy procedures in the Cardiology centre are performed using a new generation echoscope Vivid S6 designed for diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases. The echoscope is a powerful devise, ensuring high quality image, allowing for a physician to visualise even the smallest heart structure and perform accurate measurements of the heart walls, to assess their motility disorders. The sensitive echoscope sensor perfectly detects even fine blood flows through the heart valves, thus allows accurate assessment of heart defects and diagnostics of other valvular conditions.
We are one among the few establishments using the special CT Cardio software during computed tomography for non-interventional examinations of coronary arteries, for the coronary artery assessment.
Cardiosurgeon provides consultations for cardiac surgery, but cardiac surgery is not available at our Centre.

Physicians cardiologists at the Medicine and Diagnostics Centre usually in 1 day find out the causes of health disorders, diagnose diseases and prescribe necessary treatment. *

*In some cases the examination lasting more than one day is required to prove the final diagnosis. In such cases you will be informed by the treating physician or medical staff responsible for the examination.

Cardiology services and prices

What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

Patients about us


Trinkauskas Paulius
Trinkauskas Paulius

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases)

  • language LT, EN
  • Working hours
Prof. MD  Serpytis Pranas
Prof. MD Serpytis Pranas

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases)

  • language LT, EN, RU
  • Working hours
MD  Rudiene Virginija
MD Rudiene Virginija

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases)

  • language LT, EN
  • Working hours
MD  Radauskaite Greta
MD Radauskaite Greta

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases)

  • language LT, EN, FR, ES
  • Working hours
MD  Sudikiene Rita
MD Sudikiene Rita

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases), Pediatric cardiologist (Heart Diseases)

  • language LT, RU, EN
  • Working hours
Lauciuviene Laimute
Lauciuviene Laimute

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases), Pediatric cardiologist (Heart Diseases)

  • language LT, RU, EN, DE
  • Working hours
Matelyte Vilma
Matelyte Vilma

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases)

  • language LT, EN
  • Working hours
Rogalskiene Ruta
Rogalskiene Ruta

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases), Clinical physiologist

  • language LT, RU, DE
  • Working hours
Katliorius Robertas
Katliorius Robertas

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases)

  • language
  • Working hours
Sadauskienė Eglė
Sadauskienė Eglė

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases)

  • language EN, RU
  • Working hours
Ivanauskienė Kristina
Ivanauskienė Kristina

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases)

  • language LT, EN
Jakaitė Rusnė
Jakaitė Rusnė

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases)

  • language LT, EN, RU
  • Working hours
Jablonskas Tomas
Jablonskas Tomas

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases)

  • language LT, RU, EN
  • Working hours
Brazdžiūnienė Eglė
Brazdžiūnienė Eglė

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases)

  • language LT, EN
  • Working hours
Lukošiūnienė Laura
Lukošiūnienė Laura

Cardiologist (Heart Diseases)

  • language LT, EN
  • Working hours

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

We recommend to consult cardiologist if:

  • There is a family history of inherited cardiac diseases
  • If chest pain, dyspnoea, palpitations at physical load newly occur or worsen;
  • In case of leg swelling, increased abdominal circumference (not related to obesity);
  • If palpitations after fever or dyspnoea at rest develop;
  • In case of poor hypertension control;
  • If dizziness or fainting episodes occurs;
  • If you have too high blood cholesterol levels;
  • In all other cases when you are concerned because of symptoms in the heart area.

Cardiologist of our Centre emphasize that arterial blood pressure elevated by 10 mmHg is associated with by 30 percent increased risk of cardiovascular disease and 7 fold higher frequency of cerebrovascular disorders (such as stroke), 4 fold higher incidence of ischemic heart disease and twice higher incidence of damage of leg vasculature. The sudden and even insignificant rise in blood pressure results in immediately occurring disorders – dizziness, headache, mild pain in the heart area, palpitations, dyspnoea, tremor, numbing and vision disorders. When the increase in blood pressure is slow and lasts for several years, because of vascular adaptation a patient may not report any symptoms. However, eventually this leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

A blood pressure is the pressure produced by blood on the walls of blood vessels. A systolic blood pressure (also known as superior measurement) is always higher, and diastolic one (inferior) is lower. Systolic blood pressure is measured during the heart contraction. This is the highest pressure on vascular walls at that moment. The diastolic blood pressure is measured during heart relaxation. This is the lowest pressure on vascular walls at that moment. Blood pressure is not constant all the times it varies depending of different biological, emotional and environmental factors.

The baseline blood pressure is measured in the morning,being at rest. The blood pressure increases during heavy activities and sports, after stress, however it drops down at rest or while sleeping.

Individuals with health disorders should measure their blood pressure several times per week in the usual environment, relaxed, after sitting for ten minutes. Elderly people with overweight, suffering from diabetes mellitus and kidney diseases, pregnant females should measure blood pressure twice per day in the morning and in the evening. If you have been diagnosed with hypertension, it is important to measure blood pressure and to record the measurements in the appropriate table. The physician considering these measurements can chose the dose of medicines more accurately.

Physician cardiologists say that arterial blood pressure values measured on different arms may differ by 10-20 mmHg, therefore it is advisable to take measurements on the arm showing the worse results.


“Good” blood pressure is 120/80  mmHg.
For interpretation of blood pressure values we recommend to follow the blood pressure category classification of World Health Organisation and International Hypertension Association:

Category Systolic BP (mmHG) Diastolic (mmHg)
Optimal < 120 < 80
Normal 120–129 80-84
High normal 130-139 85-89
I degree hypertension (mild) 140-159 90-99
II degree hypertension (moderate) 160-179 100-109
III degree hypertension (high) < 180 < 110
Isolated systolic hypertension < 140 < 90
Low normal 90-100 60-65
Hypotension < 90 < 60

Don’t delay, take care of yourself now