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Electroencephalography (EEG)

This is a non-invasive examination of brain bioelectric activity, which involves registration of brain potentials. This examination is used in epilepsy diagnostics as well as for the assessment of epilepsy treatment efficacy, also for prognostic purposes in different nervous and mental diseases as well as for localisation of pathological process in the brain.

Electroencephalography (EEG) examination is carried out in case of:

  • epilepsy;
  • to confirm epilepsy diagnosis and, if specific alterations are found, to specify the location of epileptogenic focus, for classification of epilepsy form;
  • of change in epilepsy clinical form, requiring adjustment of the treatment;
  • of change of anticonvulsants or adjustment of their doses or treatment discontinuation;
  • for presurgical localisation of epilepsy focus.

seizures of non-epileptic origin:

  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • unclear seizure conditions (consciousness, sensations, motility. behaviour, sleep and vigilance disorders);
  • spasmodic headache.

of non-specific changes that can be associated with non-epileptic or non-specific brain diseases, personality development or psychological disorders:

  • after cerebral trauma;
  • brain tumours;
  • inflammatory processes of the brain or their sequels;
  • neurodegenerative diseases (subacute sclerotic panencephalitis, Alzheimer's disease etc.);
  • After encephlopathies of different origin (diseases of kidneys, liver, thyroid gland and pancreas, different intoxications) etc.

These are painless and safe examinations of erred for adults and children, for the patients of the paediatrician neurologist.
The duration of encephalography (EEG) examination is 30 minutes.
The result of the examination is available on the next working day at the reception or if you wish we can send it to you by e-mail.

Electroencephalography (EEG) test price

Hila standard price Eur with a referral letter Hila For clients who are covered by compulsory health insurance
Regular price Regular For clients who are not covered by compulsory health insurance
Children neurologist consultation with electroencephalography or electroneuromiography

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Electroencephalography (EEG)

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Electroencephalography (EEG) (for a child)

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Neurologist consultation with electroencephalography or electroneuromiography

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What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

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4 reasons why

It is worth choosing us

  • The examination is carried out by the very experienced professionals.
  • Modern, safe and reliable medical equipment of the worldwide leading manufacturers.
  • We are one among the few medical establishments offering such examination.
  • We can plan your visit in a manner to have the examination carried out and consultation with neurologist arranged and the treatment prescribed at the same day.

It is useful to know

The examination is carried out while the patient is sitting. Te electric diodes (a headgear) connected to the equipment are attached to the patient's head. The electrodes record the activity of the bioelectric field of brain cortex; at the same time the heart activity, muscle tension and eye movements are also recorded and breathing tests can also be carried out.

The data are recorded on the computer screen.

If EEG does not reveal any changes, but the patient is ill, the provocation tests must be carried out. Hyperventilation (deeper breathing) for 3-5 minutes, photo-stimulation (light stimulation) using the alternating frequency of the isolated stimulus and/or rhythmical photo-stimulation, eye-opening test, registration during falling asleep, awakening or sleep, sleep deprivation (deficit).
Physician describing the test results answers the clinical questions that have been formulated as the indication for the examination.


MD  Grikiniene Jurgita
MD Grikiniene Jurgita

Pediatric neurologist

  • language LT, RU, EN
  • Working hours
Sitkauskiene Ingrida
Sitkauskiene Ingrida


  • language LT, EN, RU
  • Working hours

Do not delay. Take care of yourself