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Tests during pregnancy

At our Centre, we perform two types of  non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), VERACITY and VERAgene.

VERACITY is a new generation non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) used to detect trisomy 21, 18, and 13, some types of microdeletion (DiGeorge, 1p36 deletion, Smith-Magenis, Wolf-Hirschhorn) and, at the patient’s request, X and Y chromosomal aneuploidies and foetal sex.
The mother’s blood sample is used for the test.

VERAGENE is the only non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) which can detect trisomy 21, 18, and 13, X and Y chromosomal aneuploidies, microdeletions and mutation in a single gene all at once. This test can help detect 100 serious inherited genetic disorders. Diseases that VERAgene can detect are often severe and significantly affect the quality of life. These genetic diseases manifest themselves in symptoms such as: inborn anomalies, developmental delay, hearing loss, blindness, and metabolic disorders.
The mother’s blood sample and buccal swab of the biological father are used for the test.

Theses NIPTs use patented technology, which is grounded in contemporary scientific research and innovations of molecular genetics and diagnostics.

  • NIPT can be performed from the 10th week of pregnancy.
  • NIPT is suitable for single and twin pregnancies.
  • NIPT can be performed in a pregnancy resulting from in vitro fertilization.
  • NIPT is favoured for its accuracy, reliability, safety, and accessibility.

The patient must schedule an appointment at the geneticist’s or obstetrician-gynaecologist’s office in advance to arrange a test.

NIPT price

Regular price Regular For clients who are not covered by compulsory health insurance
Maternal serum screening for Downs, Edward's and Patau's Syndromes (from Ist pregnant trimester 11-13+6 weeks)

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Maternal serum screening for Downs, Edward's ir Patau's sindromoSyndrome, Open Neural Tube Defects and Trisomy 18 (II trimestr)

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Non-invasive prenatal testing for Trisomies of 21, 18 and 13 chromosomes with fetal gender identification (NIPT, VERACITY)

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Non-invasive prenatal testing for Trisomies of 21, 18 and 13 chromosomes, sex chromosomes X, Y aneuploidies with fetal gender identification (NIPT, VERACITY)

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Non-invasive prenatal testing for Trisomies of 21, 18 and 13 chromosomes, sex chromosomes X, Y aneuploidies with microdeletions and fetal gender identification (NIPT, VERACITY)

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Non-invasive prenatal testing for Trisomies of 21, 18 and 13 chromosomes, sex chromosomes X, Y aneuploidies with microdeletions and fetal gender identification with testing of 100 single gene diseases (VERAgene)**

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Prenatal laboratory tests

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What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

Checklist for patients prior to blood tests
deco round
Why it is worth

To be examined at our Centre?

  • This is a safe, quick and the most accurate test available at the moment.
  • We perform high quality tests which has been confirmed by the ISO 15189 certification of our laboratory.
  • The results of the tests performed in our laboratory are explained by our staff, a service that is provided by only a few laboratories in the country.
  • There is no risk of damage or mix-up of test samples during transportation, which statistically is one of the leading causes for ruined blood samples in labs.

Good to know

During pregnancy, cell-free foetal DNA emanates from the placenta and circulates in the maternal blood together with cell-free DNA of the mother. Cell-free DNA is extracted from the maternal blood sample and analysed using patented new generation bioinformatics technologies in order to detect potential genetic mutations.


  • Down syndrome (trisomy 21)
  • Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18)
  • Patau syndrome (trisomy 13)


  • Turners yndrome (monosomy X)
  • Triple X syndrome (trisomy X)
  • Klinefelter syndrome (XXY)
  • Jacob’s syndrome (XYY)
  • XXYY syndrome


  • DiGeorge syndrome (22q11.2)
  • 1p36 deletion syndrome (1p36)
  • Smith-Magenis syndrome (17p11.2)
  • Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (4p16.3)
VERACITY NIPT VERAgene NIPT Conventional prenatal tests (for example, PRISCA)
Cell-free DNA isolated from maternal plasma Cell-free DNA isolated from the maternal blood sample and paternal DNA sample Combination of biochemical and ultrasound data and other parameters
>99% detection accuracy rate


Risk evaluation accuracy is 80-95%


No risk of miscarriage


Risk of miscarriage, related to amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, is 0.2-1%.


Can be carried out from week 10, results are ready in 7 business days

Can be carried out from week 12
  • The report with the test results will be prepared in 7 business days.
    It can be picked up at the reception or we can send it via email at your request.
  • Unsure how to interpret the results? Call the lab, phone: (8 5) 247 64 22.

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

VERACITY was developed by a special researcher group with more than 25 years of experience in prenatal diagnostics, molecular medicine, genomics, transcriptomics, methylomics and bioinformatics.

The VERACITY test relies on targeted enrichment technology which enables chromosomal aneuploidy detection and foetal fraction measurement with unparalleled accuracy. Targeted regions on selected chromosomes and chromosomal regions are captured, enriched and analysed for the detection of aneuploidies and microdeletions using proprietary genomic and bioinformatic technologies.

  • Targeted genomic analysis
    VERACITY and VERAgene use proprietary technology, specifically designed to avoid genomic regions with complex architecture that affect test performance. This overcomes problems associated with other NIPTs and increases the precision and accuracy of VERACITY and VERAgene.
  • High read-depth
    DNA fragments are counted several hundreds of times using next generation sequencing to ensure very high statistical accuracy and precision.
  • Foetal fraction measurement
    VERAgene uses the high read-depth of maternal and foetal DNA counts from the genome to accurately measure the foetal contribution to the cfDNA. Accurate foetal fraction measurement protects from false results.
  • Multi-engine analysis pipelines
    Proprietary bioinformatics pipelines analyse the sequencing data produced from each test. This multi-engine analysis increases the sensitivity and specificity of aneuploidy, microdeletion, and foetal sex detection.

For VERAgene testing, the mother’s blood sample and buccal swab of the biological father are needed. Maternal blood contains cell-free maternal and foetal DNA (cfDNA). This cfDNA is isolated and analysed, as is the paternal DNAsample, with next-generation DNA sequencing, and potential genetic mutations are determined. Then complex bioinformatics algorithms are used and the risk of monogenic disorder is assessed.

NIPT can be done regardless of whether a woman has become pregnant naturally or with assisted reproductive technology.

NIPT can be done from week 10.


Conditions such as Down, Edwards, or Patau syndromes (trisomies) are random and can occur in any pregnancy. The risk for Down syndrome increases with the mother’s age, but most babies with this syndrome are born to women younger than 35, thus NIPT is recommended for all pregnant women regardless of their age.

NIPT is worth undergoing, if biochemical and ultrasound screenings show an increased risk or you simply want to be sure that your child will not have the diseases in question.

NIPT can be done in single and twin pregnancies. Testing cannot be done in triplet or higher-order pregnancy.

It is possible to determine foetal sex during NIPT. In a single pregnancy, NIPT can show whether it is a boy or a girl. 

In twin pregnancy, the testing can only confirm the existence of a sex chromosome (X or Y chromosome). If the testing shows X chromosome, it can be confirmed that both twins are female, and if Y chromosome is detected, then at least one of the twins is a boy.

Parents have a right to refuse to know the sex of the foetus.

NIPT is performed on the mother’s blood sample, so it is perfectly safe for both the mother and foetus.

Other invasive diagnostic procedures—chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis—pose a 0.2-1% risk of miscarriage.

Please do not postpone important decisions - take care of yourself now!

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