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Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver that can be caused by different viruses. The viruses differ in the way they spread, the course of disease, laboratory markers, preventive and treatment measures. In many cases people with hepatitis have no symptoms, and their infections are diagnosed totally randomly. Viral hepatitis is an insidious disease, not only because you can have no symptoms for decades, but also because without treatment it does not disappear, and damage to the liver progresses to liver cirrhosis or cancer. Several decades may pass from infection with the virus till the development of liver cirrhosis, therefore those infections have been called “silent” killers. 

Infectious hepatitis is caused by viruses A, B, C, D, and E. In Lithuania hepatitis viruses A, B and C are the most common. Blood test markers for hepatitis allow the different viruses and the cause of inflammation to be determined, and is only the test that can help to detect whether you have viral hepatitis. 
Viral hepatitis is defined by different laboratory markers that reflect different infection status and disease stages.  

Hepatitis tests are recommended in the following cases:

  • You have a sexual relationship with a person infected with hepatitis or sexually transmitted infections,
  • You have a same-sex relationship,
  • You are infected with HIV,
  • You travel to countries where there is a higher risk of acquiring hepatitis,
  • You had surgeries (C-section included) or invasive procedures before 1993, 
  • You had a blood transfusion before 1993, 
  • Abnormal liver (AST, ALT) enzymes indicators,
  • You are undergoing dialysis procedures, 
  • You have blood diseases, 
  • After organ transplantation, blood transfusion,
  • You have used intravenous drugs at least once,
  • Manicure, pedicure, tattoo, permanent makeup performed with unsterilized tools,
  • Family members have hepatitis, 
  • You have many sexual partners (> than 1 per year),
  • You have been in prison, 
  • You are pregnant,
  • You may have come into contact with infected liquids at your workplace.

No advance registration is necessary, just arrive and go to reception.

Liver tests

Regular price Regular For clients who are not covered by compulsory health insurance
Antibodies IgM against hepatitis E virus (IgM Anti HEV)

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Determination antibodies of surface antigen of Hepatitis B virus (Anti-HBs)

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Determination IgM antibodies of Hepatitis A virus (Anti-HAV IgM)

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Determination of antibodies of antigen e of Hepatitis B virus (Anti-HBe)

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Determination of antibodies of core antigen of Hepatitis B virus (Anti HBc)

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Determination of antibodies of Hepatitis A virus (Anti-H AV)*

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Determination of antibodies of Hepatitis C virus ( Anti-HCV)

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Determination of antigen e of Hepatitis B virus (HBe Ag)

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Determination of common antibodies of Hepatitis D virus

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Determination of IgM antibodies of core antigen of Hepatitis B virus (Anti-HBc IgM)*

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Determination of surface antigen of Hepatitis B virus (HBs Ag)

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Estimation of genotype of hepatitis C virus and RNA by quantity method*

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Hepatitis B virus DNA test for replication of virus*

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Hepatitis E-AK (Anti HEV IgG)**

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Tests are usually prescribed by a family, internal disease, infectious disease doctor or a gastroenterologist, but you can decide yourself whether they are necessary. 

What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

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Why it is worth

To be examined at our Centre?

  • Your tests will be of high quality. This is proven by the laboratory’s accreditation of the ISO 15189 standard. 
  • Our laboratory test results are assessed by laboratory specialists. This service is provided by only a small number of the country’s laboratories. 
  • If needed, we can use the same blood sample within 7 days to carry out additional tests for hepatitis. This is relevant for children or patients from other cities!
  • There is no danger of harming or confusing test samples due to transportation, which is statistically one of the most common reasons for destroyed blood samples in laboratories. 

Good to know

What are the symptoms of viral hepatitis?

Most patients with viral hepatitis do not have any symptoms and feel well, but, even without any clinical symptoms, they can infect others. Viral hepatitis is an insidious disease not only because it may be asymptomatic for decades, but also because it does not disappear without treatment, and the damaged liver progresses to liver cirrhosis or cancer. 

Most common symptoms:

  • Low-grade fever,
  • Persistent fatigue,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Abdominal pain,
  • Nausea, vomiting,
  • Grey  stools, 
  • Jaundice, 
  • Muscle and joint pain. 

What is the incubation period of the hepatitis virus – time from infection till the first symptoms?

  • Incubation period of hepatitis A – from 2 weeks to 2 months. 
  • Incubation period of hepatitis B – from 3 weeks to 3 months. 
  • Incubation period of hepatitis C – from 4 weeks to 20 weeks.

How to get the test results?

  • Test results are usually ready within 1 day. You may get them at the reception or, if requested, get them by email. 
  • For interpretation of the results, contact the laboratory on tel. (8 5) 247 64 17.

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

As reported by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the scale of the hepatitis outbreak means that anybody may get infected. According to WHO, about 325 million people are infected with chronic hepatitis throughout the world. Infection with hepatitis B is three times greater than with hepatitis C. It is estimated that only 9 per cent of those infected with hepatitis B and only one fifth of those infected with hepatitis C are diagnosed. Most people infected with hepatitis B and C do not know about this and may spread the disease to others. Infectious hepatitis is caused by 5 types of viruses: A, B, C, D, and E. Hepatitis viruses A, B, and C are most common in Lithuania.  

Hepatitis A is spread via food and drinks that are contaminated with infected stool. Hepatitis virus A spreads not only via food, but also through faeces between people in close contact, e.g. in children’s education institutions, at home, social care institutions, especially if it is difficult to ensure personal hygiene due to lack of hygiene skills or behaviour. People who travel to countries where Hepatitis A is endemic, such as Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, India and Thailand face a great risk of becoming infected if they are not vaccinated. This is particularly true if they intend to live in these countries for a long time and have no guarantee of safe drinking water or personal hygiene conditions. 

Hepatitis virus B is transmitted via all kinds of sexual relationships (vaginal, oral, anal), blood (by transfusing infected blood or its products, via unsterile needles/syringes, getting tattoos, ear piercing, using an infected person’s toothbrush, shavers, manicure, pedicure tools that may injure the skin or mucous membrane). A mother with hepatitis B may transmit the infection to her child during pregnancy or delivery.   

Hepatitis virus C spreads in a similar way to B, but sexual or perinatal (by mother to child) transmission is rare. 

Vaccination is the only reliable protection against hepatitis A and B viruses.

There is no vaccination against hepatitis C, but it is very important to diagnose the virus and start treatment. According to the World Health Organisation, 95 percent of people with hepatitis C can be fully cured from the disease within 2-3 months.  

Please do not postpone important decisions - take care of yourself now!

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