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Hormones (without thyroid and sex hormones)

Hormones are physiologically active substances that are released into the bloodstream and are characterised by generalised action. Hormones regulate the metabolism, energy, work capacity, productivity, peculiarities  of the whole body. Tests of hormones such as cortisol, melatonin, gastrin help identify disorders of specific glands. These hormones regulate the activity of many organs, their imbalance can be associated with diabetes, thyroid, adrenal and other diseases affecting different organs.

The most hormone tests are interrelated, thus,  hormone tests are usually prescribed by your doctor.

Pre-registration is not required for these tests.

Hormones tests price

Regular price Regular For clients who are not covered by compulsory health insurance
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)

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Copeptin (CT-proAVP)

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Cortisol eastern

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Cortisol in the evening

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Growth hormone (HGH, somatotropin)

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What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

Checklist for patients prior to blood tests
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Why it is worth

To be examined at our Centre?

  • We will carry out  your tests with high quality. This is confirmed by the laboratory's ISO 15189 accreditation.
  • The results of the tests carried out in our laboratory will be commented by the laboratory specialists.
    Only the few laboratories in the country provide such service.
  • If necessary, we have the opportunity to carry out more tests with your sample 7 days after blood collection.
  • There is no risk of damaging or mixing test specimens during transportation.
  • You can have your tests made anonymously.

Good to know


Cortisol is a hormone synthesized in the adrenal cortex. This hormone not only helps to suppress inflammation and to regulate blood pressure, but also maintains stable blood sugar levels and provides the energy needed to find solutions in stressful situations. The rhythm of cortisol production is disrupted by stress or activity that causes it, which is why cortisol is often called a stress hormone.

Its levels increase in case of depression, asthma, meningitis, encephalitis, during pregnancy, in thyroid hyperfunction, and decrease in case of adrenal insufficiency, autoimmune diseases, impaired thyroid function.

The amount of cortisol is highly dependent on other hormones - the decrease in its synthesis leads to an immediate increase in adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels.

Cortisol levels vary greatly between morning and evening, so it is recommended to test  morning and evening cortisol levels.

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH; ACTH)

The ACTH test is usually performed when an increase or decrease in cortisol levels is detected.

The test is used to diagnose tumours of the adrenal glands, such as Cushing’s syndrome, Addison’s disease, pituitary and adrenal tumours.

The timing of the test is particularly important for this indication. The highest concentration of ACTH in the body is in the morning and several times lower in the evening, so it is recommended to carry out the test in the morning (7 to  9 a.m.) and in the evening (3 to 7 p. m.).

A strong stimulant of ACTH secretion is stress. In case of high stress its production is increased by 20 fold.

Somatotropic (growth) hormone (STH) *

In children, a deficiency of this hormone causes growth retardation. The test is recommended for all children who are growing too slowly or too fast. In case of hormone excess, acromegaly or gigantism develops.

Levels of somatotropic hormone in the body change very quickly. Fluctuations can be caused by altered glucose levels, starvation, stress. Without this hormone, it would be difficult to achieve results for gym muscle builders.

It is recommended to carry out the somatotropic hormone test in the morning, on an empty stomach, and before the test it is recommended to have a  rest and avoid stress.

Aldosterone * This hormone regulates water, mineral metabolism in the body and blood pressure (EQS). The aldosterone test is usually ndicated  for high blood pressure, especially in people with low potassium levels.
Catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine) * Catecholamine testing is indicated for differentiation of hypertension causes.
Melatonin * This hormone is responsible for the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. As soon as it is darkening, the pineal gland distributes melatonin evenly in the brain. This hormone gives a feeling of calm. It is very important because it helps cells to recover and perform vital functions. Melatonin neutralizes energy intake, lowers blood pressure and stress. If metalloid production is reduced, we would feel constant fatigue.
Leptin * Leptin is known as a hormone that controls hunger and appetite. When we consume fatty foods, cells starts to secrete leptin into the circulatory system, which travels to the brain, signaling that the feeling of satiety is achieved.
Copeptin * Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone) analogue. Regulates water metabolism in the body.

Gastrin *
A digestive system hormone. Promotes production of gastric and pancreatic juice, bile excretion, gastrointestinal function. Production is induced by food or mechanical stretching. Increased gastrin secretion may result in gastric ulcers that are treatment refractory.
  • Test results will be ready in 2 hours, * marked test results - within 14 working days.
    You can pick them up at reception or we can send them to you by e-mail if you wish.
  • For laboratory interpretation, contact the laboratory at tel. (8 5) 247 64 08.

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