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Sperm examination - spermogram

According to the data of teh World Health Organisation even 10–15 percent of couples faces fertility-related problems. Every sixth couple in Lithuania is unable to get children without the medical assistance and currently an increase in male infertility has been reported.

Supposedly , about 20 percent of families are infertile because of a male factor, i. e., quality of sperm, and 30 -percent of family – because of combined male and female factor, i. e., a male factor is responsible for 50 percent of infertility cases. 

The quality of sperm is predetermined by inherited genetic diseases, chromosomal alterations, micro-deletion of Y chromosome, testicle drop down. Some infectious diseases such as parotitis, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases may also have an influence. Sperm quality may be affected as as result of use of the medicines, abuse and stress. A testicle varicose veins (varicocele) is characteristic in 15 percent of male population, which also can be associated to the quality of sperm.

The examination is carried out aiming to confirm or to reject the fact of infertility, when the efficacy of vasectomy or infertility treatment should be assessed. 
The main properties of the sperm are examined: amount, spermatosoides count, form and motility.

If you wish, in our centre the examinationin our Centre can be carried out in anonymous way, just inform the personnel of our Centre.

Beforehand registration is REQUIRED for this test.

Sperm examination price

Regular price Regular For clients who are not covered by compulsory health insurance
Sperm analysis (spermogramm)

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What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

Checklist for patients collecting a semen sample
deco round
Why it is worth

To be examined at our Centre?

  • QW are the only private establishment in which this automatised sperm examinations is available.
  • Your tests will be carried out ensuring high quality. This is proved by ISO 15189 accreditation. 
  • The test results obtained in our laboratory will be explained by laboratory professionals.
    Such service in our country is offered only in few laboratories.
  • There is no risk of damaging or confounding samples during transportation. 
  • The tests can be carried out in anonymous way.

Good to know

The following factors have influence on male sperm quality:

  • inherited diseases – genetic, changes in the set of chromosomes, micro-deletion of Y chromosome, testicle drop down;
  • medical history – infectious parotitis, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Addictions – use of alcohol, smoking;
  • other factors – fever, use of antibiotics, emotional condition of the body, immune status, physical burn-out, stress.

The automatic examination is carried out using the highest quality instrument ASQA-V; the results in the examination report are presented both in numeric format and as a photo image. The results are evaluated according to the recommendations of the World Health Organisation.

A microscope i mounted in the sperm testing instrument – an optic system allows magnification of the image by 300 to 500 fold. The increase sensitivity mode is available, which is used to assess oligospermia, azoospermia, and efficacy of vasectomy. 

The following values are presented by the instrument:

  • concentration of functional spermatozoa  1ml/M – FSC;
  • the total spermatozoa  counts in the ejaculate – TSC;
  • total motility (a+b+c);
  • rapid progressive motility + slow progressive motility (a+b);
  • not progressive motility (c)
  • non motile spermatozoa (d)
  • calculates the normal morphology;
  • concentration of motile spermatozoa – MSC;
  • concentrations of progressively motile spermatozoa – PMSC;
  • spermatozoa motility index  – SMI;
  • average velocity;
  • motile spermatozoa count in millions;
  • progressively motile spermatozoa counts in millions;
  • functional spermatozoa counts in millions.
  • The test results will be available after 1 working day.
    You can get them at the reception or we will send them to you by e-mail, if you wish.
  • For interpretation of the test results please contact the laboratory by telephone: (8 5) 247 64 22.

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Yes, if you have an opportunity to bring your specimen to us in one hour period. Aiming to ensure the precision and accuracy of the examination we recommend to follow the requirements described in the reminder. Read  HERE

The levels of vitamin B12, C, E, zinc, selenium and Q10 are important for the quality of sperm, thus the physician may recommend to you to test the levels of these vitamins and micro elements. Tests for sexually transmitted diseases is recommended for both partners as sometimes these infection are the most cause of infertility. 

Consult with the fertility professional or make an appointment with urologists at our Centre. The price of the consultation is provided

The physicians urologists stick to the opinion that failure to vaccinate children against parotitis, measles and rubella may have important consequences on their future health as these vaccines prevent diseases, which may have influence on male fertility.

No scientific studies are available to prove that traditional methods such as various infusions, supplements of beaver glands are effective in the male infertility treatment. 

Please do not postpone important decisions - take care of yourself now!

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