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The cervical screening test (PAP test)

The cervical cytology test (PAP test) helps to detect changes in the cells of the cervix that could develop into  cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer affecting women under 45. Chances of getting the disease are not pre-defined by age or heritability factors. Almost all (99%) cervical cancer cases are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). In the early stages you may experience no symptoms at all, and may not even suspect you have a serious chronic condition for some time. The cervical cytology test is recommended for all women, including those who do not notice any symptoms. As the disease progresses, women start noticing bleeding during sex, unpleasantly smelling discharge and pain in the pelvis.

You must make an appointment with a gynaecologist for this test, as they will take a sample of the cells of your cervix.

Test price

Regular price Regular For clients who are not covered by compulsory health insurance
Cytological examination of cervical smears (PAP smears)

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Cytological examination of cervical smears (PAP smears) in liquid-based

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What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

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Why it is worth

to be examined at our Centre?

  • Our Centre employs experienced pathologists.
  • You will get the test results in 2 working days.
  • We perform high quality tests which has been confirmed by the ISO 15189 certification of our laboratory.
  • The results of the tests performed in our laboratory are explained by our staff, a service that is provided by only a few laboratories in the country.
  • There is no risk of damage or mix-up of test samples during transportation.

Good to know

The best time for the PAP test is between day 10 and day 20 from the first day of your period. Try to avoid using spermicidal creams, foams and gels and vaginal medications (except if advised by the doctor) two days before the test, as they may interfere with your results.

The first PAP test is recommended at 21 or approximately three years after first becoming sexually active. If your results are normal, we recommend that the next test is performed after 1-2 years.

Cervical samples prepared using the liquid based cytology give more accurate and reliable test results as more cells are examined. The prepared cells are free of any debris, such as blood, erythrocytes and mucus.  For microscopy the cells are spread in a monolayer thus allowing for a better examination and assessment. Scientific studies show that this method has reduced the number of erroneous results by 39%, while the frequency of detection of pre-cancerous changes has increased by 18%, compared to the conventional smears.

Microscopy of conventional smear (Picture 1) and LBC smear (Picture 2)


Picture 1. The conventional smear cells prepared in this way are difficult to examine even for an experienced examiner.


Picture 2. LBC preparation contains no debris and the cells are spread in a monolayer, therefore the examination of the cells is easier.


An obstetrician-gynaecologist collects the sample for the PAP test and explains the test results. Collection of the oncocytologic sample is a simple and painless procedure when a sample of surface cells is scraped from your cervix using a spatula or a brush, and spread over a glass slide.
The changes in the cells are established by a pathologist having performed microscopy of the smear cells.

The results are ready within 2 working days.
They can be collected at the reception, or we can email them to you upon request.

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

If the test results are abnormal, this doesn’t mean you have cancer. There are three levels of pre-cancerous abnormalities, i.e., three levels of dysplasia. Most common are the benign changes that go away by themselves and do not require any treatment. However, if the results are indicative of pre-cancerous abnormalities you need to see a gynaecologist who will perform an additional test and recommend treatment. It is important to remember that early detection of pre-cancerous cells can lead to successful recovery.

When the liquid based cytology method is used for the PAP tests, the cells are collected in the same way. The difference is that the brush with the cells is washed in the vial of liquid which ensures that all the cells from the brush get into the liquid medium. The cell containing sample is suitable for examination for 4 weeks.

Once the cervical cytology test has been performed, the same liquid medium can be used for the human papilloma virus test (HPV) as well as the sexually transmitted infection tests (Trichomonas vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum). The liquid based sample is stored for four weeks, therefore additional tests may be performed, if required, without collecting another smear.

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