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Iron is a microelement involved in the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and some enzymes, and in the transportation of oxygen to tissues. Consequently, an iron deficiency can affect the entire body. Iron is important for the functioning of muscles and neurological processes, a shortage of iron can result in iron deficiency (anaemia).  

Iron indicators might change after poisoning with heavy metals (e.g. lead) or when suffering from certain chronic, hepatic and oncological diseases, or tuberculosis.  

Prior registration is not required; upon arrival, please go straight to reception.

Information on how to prepare for the test is available HERE

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Why it is worth

To be examined at our Centre?

  • The laboratory is accredited with the ISO 15189 standard, thus you can be confident that your tests will be performed to the highest quality. 
  • You will find out the results of the main tests within 1–2 hours and the rest within 1 day, except in cases where this is impossible due to the technological process (e. g. time it takes for a culture to grow).
  • The results of the tests carried will be explained by our laboratory specialists. This service is only offered by a few laboratories in the country.
  • If required, we can perform further tests using the same sample of blood, for up to 7 days after the sampling.
  • No danger of damaging or mixing up the test samples due to transportation. 
  • Tests can be carried out anonymously.

Good to know

More iron is needed by pregnant women, those who bleed heavily during menstruation, engage intensively in sports, children (especially in periods of rapid growth) as well as blood donors, vegetarians, people with digestive system (iron resorption becomes disordered), gynaecological or oncological diseases, and people above 70, as they often suffer from disordered iron assimilation. 

  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • breathlessness;
  • apathy;
  • dizziness;
  • attention disorder;
  • frequent pulse;
  • swollen extremities (oedemas);
  • cramps;
  • muscle twitching;
  • disturbed vision (“flies” in the eyes);
  • frequent infections;
  • tongue changes – swelling, small wounds;
  • urge to each chalk, clay or soil;
  • thinning hair;
  • breaking nails;
  • cracked mouth corners;
  • pale complexion.

Protracted iron deficiency may not cause any symptoms for a long time.

The normal daily requirement for iron is:

  • for men – 10–12 mg; 
  • women and girls from 10 years – 15 mg;
  • babies up to 6 months – 5 mg;
  • children from 7 months to 6 years – 8 mg;
  • children aged 7–10 – 10 mg.

It has been proved that protracted substantial iron deficiency may have an effect on the development of the following diseases:

  • anaemia (iron deficiency);
  • restless leg syndrome;
  • anorexia;
  • depression.

If iron deficiency is determined, it is recommended to have ferritin and transferrin blood concentration tests carried out. Ferritin helps determine the iron stock in the body and to evaluate the causes of anaemia. Transferrin is responsible for carrying the iron in the body. The body tries to compensate for the lack of iron by producing more transferrin. 

  • Your test results will be ready within 1 day.
    You can pick them up at the reception or, if you wish, we will email them.
  • For an explanation of test results, you should call the laboratory tel. (+370) 247 64 17.

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Iron is received naturally with food. Products rich in iron include red meat, fish, prawns, oysters, eggs, legumes, seeds (pumpkin, cornflower, linen), nuts, grains (especially buckwheat), berries (wild strawberries, blueberries, black currant), pomegranates, and vegetables (parsley, spinach, broccoli, beetroots, and carrots).
It should be noted that the diet must contain a sufficient quantity of vitamin C, as this is needed to assimilate iron.
Iron assimilation from food is suppressed by consumption of milk, alcohol, and coffee and tea rich in tannins. 

If after starting to take iron supplements you suffer from constipation, stomach ache, or start vomiting, you should look at how you took the prescribed supplements – after or with meals, how much water you drink, and if necessary to do things differently. If this does not help, we recommend obtaining medical advice on taking iron preparations in another form.

Heme iron is contained in products of animal origin, whereas non-heme iron can be found in plant products.
It is easier for the human body to assimilate iron from animal products.

Contact your family doctor or internist or register to visit a physician specialising in this field at our Centre. Please find the prices for a consultation HERE.

Please do not postpone important decisions - take care of yourself now!

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