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Q10 – coenzyme, ubiquinone, ubiquinol

Coenzyme Q10 is a fat-soluble vitamin-like substance that is present in all of the cells of our body. It is produced by the human body. Q10 is necessary for ensuring the normal life of the cells, seeing as it performs the function of energy carrier. Q10 is important for the immunity and functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system and the kidneys. Microelement Q10 deficiency increases the likelihood of getting cardiovascular or oncological diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes mellitus. According to scientific research, coenzyme Q10 may also alleviate the symptoms of migraines.

Prior registration is not required; upon arrival, please go straight to the reception.

Information on how to prepare for the test is available HERE.

deco round
Why it is worth

To be examined at our Centre?

  • The laboratory is accredited with the ISO 15189 standard, so you can be confident that your tests will be performed to the highest quality. 
  • You will find out the results of the main tests within 1–2 hours and the rest within 1 day, except in cases where this is impossible due to the technological process (e.g., the time it takes for a culture to grow).
  • The results of the tests carried out will be explained by our laboratory specialists. This service is only offered by a few laboratories in the country.
  • If required, we can perform further tests using the same sample of blood, for up to 7 days after the sampling.
  • No danger of damaging or mixing up the test samples due to transportation. 
  • Tests can be carried out anonymously.

Good to know

Coenzyme Q10 is produced by our bodies because it is necessary for the normal functioning of the body’s cells. The compound decreases with ageing or due to a necessary increase in metabolism (when people have certain diseases, take certain medicines, engage in sports very intensively or lose weight).
From 50 years of age, the amount of coenzyme Q10 naturally produced by the body decreases by more than 50%. Its synthesis in the body starts approximately from the age of 25. 
The Q10 test is recommended to those who suffer from constant stress, heavy physical strain, cardiovascular or oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus or multiple sclerosis.  

  • fatigue
  • bleeding gums
  • tawny spots on the skin

It has been shown that long-term and substantial coenzyme Q10 deficiency may cause the development of the following diseases:

  • muscular dystrophy
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • periodontitis
  • oncological diseases
  • cardiac diseases
  • diabetes mellitus

Overdosing of coenzyme Q10 occurs very rarely. The main symptoms include nausea, vomiting and heartburn. When taking anticoagulants and medicines affecting the thyroid gland, it is necessary to consult a doctor about taking coenzyme Q10 supplements. 

  • You can pick them up at the reception or, if you wish, we will email them.
  • For an explanation of the test results, you should call the laboratory tel. (+370) 247 64 17.

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

It is recommended to have a blood clotting test simultaneously with the coenzyme Q10 test.

Q10 is soluble in fats and is produced in the liver. It can be found in all of the body’s cells. For the body to produce Q10, it needs certain vitamins, minerals and amino acids (phenylalanine, methionine and tyrosine). Tests with animals have shown that vitamin E increases the production of Q10 in the liver by 30%. We receive some CoQ10 with food. Meat, fatty fish, whole grains, nuts and vegetable oils are all excellent sources of this substance. According to researchers, our average intake of Q10 with food amounts to 2–3 mg daily. The recommended daily dose for adults is 30–90 mg. So, if the production of this substance in the body slows down, it is essentially impossible to receive the recommended amount of this substance with food.

Consequently, the endogenous production of Q10 in our bodies is the main source of the substance. Up to the age of 20–25, the production of Q10 in the body increases; however, the amount of coenzyme in the body starts decreasing already from the age of 30. Products rich in Q10 include red meat, liver, heart muscle, fish, whole grains, nuts, and vegetable oils. It is important to be aware that this vitamin disintegrates in high temperatures.

Contact your family doctor or internist or register to visit a physician specialising in this field at our centre. Please find the prices for a consultation HERE.

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