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Selenium (Se) is a microelement that slows down the ageing processes, is involved in protein metabolism, removes toxins, helps the body to protect itself from chronic illnesses, regulates the immune system, and is important for vision and male fertility. Selenium is also necessary for ensuring the normal functioning of the thyroid.

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that fights oxidation stress and helps to protect against chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer. 
Scientific studies show that optimal selenium blood concentration is associated with a lower risk of certain types of cancer, including breast, lung, large intestine and prostate. 

Prior registration is not required; upon arrival, please go straight to the reception.

Information on how to prepare for the test is available HERE.

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Why it is worth

To be examined at our Centre?

  • The laboratory is accredited with the ISO 15189 standard, so you can be confident that your tests will be performed to the highest quality. 
  • You will find out the results of the main tests within 1–2 hours and the rest within 1 day, except in cases where this is impossible due to the technological process (e.g., the time it takes for a culture to grow).
  • The results of the tests carried out will be explained by our laboratory specialists. This service is only offered by a few laboratories in the country.
  • If required, we can perform further tests using the same sample of blood, for up to 7 days after the sampling.
  • No danger of damaging or mixing up the test samples due to transportation. 
  • Tests can be carried out anonymously.

Good to know

A microelement selenium test is recommended to those who have digestive system diseases, HIV infection, kidney or thyroid function disorders, or weakened immunity. More selenium is required by smokers and during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  • muscle pains, weakness
  • thinning hair
  • constant fatigue
  • thinning nails
  • disturbed growth

Long-term and substantial selenium deficiency may cause the development of the following diseases:

  • hypothyreosis
  • autoimmune disease – Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • infertility
  • Graves’s disease

Overdosing on selenium is dangerous for the health. The toxic effect of selenium may occur while working in certain industries or by drinking water contaminated with selenium.

Symptoms inherent to overdosing:

  • garlic odour in the air exhaled
  • metallic taste in the mouth
  • weakness
  • thinning hair
  • thick, fragile, whitened nails
  • reddened, turgid skin of the hands and legs
  • numbness of extremities
  • clonus, paralysis or other neurological disorders
  • Your test results will be ready within 1 working day.
    You can pick them up at the reception or, if you wish, we will email them.
  • For an explanation of the test results, you should call the laboratory tel. (+370) 247 64 17.

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Together with a selenium test, it is recommended to have vitamin E, iodine and thyroid hormone (TSH, FT4, FT4) tests. 

Selenium and vitamin E work together. According to research data, if selenium is lacking, more vitamin E is necessary, and vice versa. If there is a vitamin E deficiency, the body will need more selenium. Selenium and vitamin E work together to protect the tissues against free radicals and it is, therefore, important to ensure a balanced concentration of vitamin E and selenium.

Selenium and iodine are involved in the synthesis of the thyroid hormones, which play an important role in the metabolism and development of the body. Consequently, it is important to maintain an optimal selenium and iodine concentration to ensure the synthesis of the thyroid hormones. 

Products rich in microelement selenium include nuts (especially cashew), veal kidneys, chicken and pork liver and kidneys, lobsters, clams, eels, tuna, flatfish and mushrooms.

The daily norm of selenium is:

  • adults – 60–70 mg
  • children below the age of 14 – 10–30 mg
  • teens from the age of 14 – 55 mg

Contact your family doctor or internist or register to visit a physician specialising in this field at our centre. Please find the prices for a consultation HERE.

Please do not postpone important decisions - take care of yourself now!

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