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Presbyopia surgery


Usually people see well from various distances, but with the passing of the years the eye lens becomes stiffer, not as mobile, therefore we start to experience negative changes to our vision. Doctors call this physiological process presbyopia. 

Presbyopia surgery is a good solution for those who do not want to or cannot wear glasses  age-related farsightedness when the vision of new objects becomes worse, usually at about 45-50 year of old.
For patients with a cataract, presbyopia surgery can solve several problems – the cataract is removed and distance vision may be improved.
The surgery is performed on one eye at a time, with as short a time as possible planned between the first and second eye, so that the brain  gets similar information and for the patient not to feel discomfort.
Usually by the third day after the surgery you can safely drive a car or work on a computer.
Presbyopia surgeries have been performed throughout the world for more than 15 years, and for more than a decade at our centre.
According to our experience at the centre, 90 per cent of patients do not need any eyeglasses after presbyopia surgery, despite their age or bad vision before the surgery. About a tenth of patients need glasses for some specific purpose.
We carry out a comprehensive analysis for a patient planning the surgery, and then we decide whether the patient can undergo presbyopia surgery, and what results they should expect. During the surgery, special individually manufactured intraocular lenses are implanted, their characteristics do not change, and the results of the surgery are long lasting.


Prices of presbyopia surgery

Presbyopia surgery is a safe surgery, lasting about 30 minutes. After the surgery you won’t need a number of different eyeglasses or lenses. The treatment prices cover consultation, examination, presbyopia surgery and the implanted lens.

Consultation and examination

Duration of the visit – 2 hours.
  • Full examination of eye:Objective evaluation of eye structures, Biometric eye measurements;
  • Individual discussion with the patient;
  • Choosing the best treatment solution.

Presbyopia surgery

Duration of the surgery – 30 min.
You will spend up to 2 hours in the clinics.
  • Long standing experience of the operating doctor.
  • Performed in the specialised operating room with the most advanced technologies
  • Painless – under individually chosen anaesthesia
  • Good vision restored within 1-3 days
  • The lens is individualised for your eye
  • Vision from different distances is restored
  • Less dependency on eyeglasses

What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

What should one know about presbyopia surgery?

Before presbyopia surgery, it is necessary to have a general medical examination, have the necessary laboratory tests, and consult with the family doctor, who will evaluate the tests, general health condition and make preparations for the surgery.

 The patient should arrive at the centre on the assigned date and hour without eating for at least 4 hours and without drinking for at least 3 hours before the surgery.

  • Take a shower and wash your hair on the day before the surgery
  • Do not use any cosmetics or makeup, spirit or aerosol products on the day of surgery.
  • Have a person accompanying you on the surgery day.
  • If due to unforeseen circumstances you cannot come on the assigned time or after the last consultation with the doctor your health condition changes, please inform the doctor or the staff on the matter.

Laboratory tests required before the surgery:

  • General blood test;
  • Blood coagulation test (aPTT);
  • Glucose test;
  • electrocardiogram (ECG) with evaluation;

The patient can bring their test records from other healthcare institutions, or they may have them done at the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre. The tests take 2 hrs. Prices of the tests performed at the Centre. The tests must be performed no earlier than 14 days before the surgery.

At the Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Centre, the presbyopia surgeries are performed with the most advanced method – phacoemulsification.

The natural eye lens is cleaved with ultrasound inside the eye and removed via a tiny (1.5-2.4 mm) incision, and a new multi focal lens is implanted in its place.

Picture 1. Presbyopia surgery. Lens removal and replacement with new one.

The surgery is performed under local or another anaesthesia depending on what has been agreed with the patient, therefore the patient does not feel any pain during the surgery. The surgery usually lasts about 30 minutes.

The patient may go home the next day after the surgery. When the eye bandage is removed on the day following surgery, the patient can see much better. Eye drops have to be used for several weeks after the surgery, and the vision eventually improves.


Memo. Postsurgical care after the presbyopia surgery
deco round
4 reasons

To choose us

  • JCI accreditation Golden standard – is one of the highest evaluations of health institutions globally.
  • More than 23 years of experience in diagnostic and treatment, 88,000 visits each year.
  • Experienced doctors, specialising in presbyopia treatment.
  • Fully equipped operating rooms with equipment from leading global manufacturers.

Patients testimonials


MD  Rudalevicius Paulius
MD Rudalevicius Paulius

Ophthalmologist (eye diseases)

  • language LT, RU, EN
  • Working hours
Kirtiklis Aidas
Kirtiklis Aidas

Ophthalmologist (eye diseases)

  • language LT, EN, RU
  • Working hours

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

With years the lens stiffens and eventually loses its elasticity. The movement amplitude is gradually but stably reduces and the lens start failing to refract the light rays as needed. Obviously, this does not happen overnight, but eventually you do not see close distances as you did before. The eye needs help – eyeglasses or contact lenses. After some time, while the lens stiffens more and fails to perform its functions even more, the first eyeglasses or lenses are replaced with the stronger ones, and so on.

Symptoms are very simple and similar for everybody: the usual working distance starts to move away from the eyes; a view that has always been vivid, becomes blurred. You start reading not from the usual 30-40 cm distance but tend to move the text further away. This phenomenon progresses – after several years, in order to have  view clear, even holding the text at arm’s length may not work. It becomes difficult for men to shave or for women to apply make-up as they do not see clearly close-up. As you start your fifth decade this might happen more often.

With presbyopia, eyeglasses are only part of the solution, since they are effective only at a certain distance – for instance, 30 centimetres. At other distances their refraction power will not be enough. Therefore, you need other glasses for medium distance. And if you need glasses for long distance, you have to carry three pairs of glasses which is not very convenient. In addition, the worsening vision requires replacement of all three pairs of glasses (not to mention that the glasses break, could be lost, etc.).

Contact lenses are not tolerated by everybody. As you get older the eyes become dryer, and the lens starts to irritate it. The drops, which are mandatory with the lenses, make the eye even drier. If a person’s eyesight is not good from near distances, it can be difficult to insert the lenses.

An alternative to lenses and eyeglasses is the implanted lenses. During the simple surgery that lasts up to half an hour, the lens that is not working is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. The new generation multi focal lens is like a real human lens. After the implantation, regardless of age, you can throw away your glasses – you will not need them anymore.

Unfortunately, the multi focal intraocular lenses which are implanted during presbyopia surgery, are not suitable for everybody. For example, if the retina is damaged (receptors are not functioning as they should) or there is something wrong with nerve fibres, we do not recommend the multi focal implantation even when the patient is willing. The surgery might also not be suitable for older people because of other disorders, for instance, weak heart.

The surgery is not suitable for those that have unreal expectations to see like when they were young. It is important for the patient to have patience – it takes time to get used to the implanted lenses, like it does when you have new eyeglasses. It may take several weeks or months for the human brain to adapt to the lenses.

The characteristics of the implanted lenses can be very individualised – tailored to personal needs, hobbies and preferences. Therefore, during the pre-surgery consultation, the doctor has a comprehensive discussion with each patient on his lifestyle, work, preferences and hobbies. Currently, the multi focal lenses have been implanted in Lithuania in a number of patients (usually at cataract surgery) and practically all the patients are very happy with the results. 

If a common lens was implanted some time ago, the multi focal lens can also be implanted. If both eyes are to undergo the surgery, it is recommended that the time span between the surgeries be as short as possible (a week or two). It is important that the brain receives similar information from both eyes. Sometimes, if the surgery of the first eye goes without a problem, the other eye can be operated on after three days.

The characteristics of the implanted lens do not change, the surgery results are long lasting, the vision senses remain the same all the time.

But one should remember – it is not only the optic system, which has been regulated by implanting an artificial lens, that is responsible for vision. There are a number of factors that can change the vision function – for example, eye trauma, circulatory disorders, retina diseases, glaucoma, stroke, which damages part of the brain responsible for vision.


Do not delay. Take care of yourself.