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Retinal gap and detachment

RETINAL GAP AND DETACHMENT is separation of the sensory retina from the retinal pigment epithelium.The causative factors are not clearly known. It is clear that the disorder can be predetermined by myopia and degenerative retinal changes, ocular traumas, heavy physical load, eyeball inflammation, haemorrhages or tumours.

Usually retinal detachment occurs as a result of pre-existing single or several gaps that facilitate permeation of the subretinal fluid and separation of the retina from other eye coverings. This leads to disturbed retinal nourishment.
In some cases the patient does not experience any sensations. However usually the disorders manifests by flickering and flashes of light in one eye, occurrence of specks or web in the vision field, distorted vision, reduced vision, narrowed vision field, a curtain-like shadow over the visual field. The patient in all cases experiences no pain.
If untreated, retinal detachment results in a permanent blindness, therefore if such events occur a physician ophthalmologist should be consulted immediately.
Treatment is only surgical. The treatment goal is to stop retinal tear and to replace the retina into its original place. If a retinal gap is combined with a small retinal detachment, laser treatment can be applied. In case of large retinal detachment a surgery is required – the gap is corrected applying cold and a special silicone sealant. In complicated cases vitrectomy is required. The larger area of retinal detachment is associated with worse treatment results. Retinal detachments can reoccur after the treatment, therefore physician's instruction should be followed strictly after the surgery.

Do not delay. Take care of yourself.