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Bunion (hallux valgus) surgery

A reliable and time-tested treatment


Treatment of the misalignment of the big tows (bunion or hallux valgus) is a reliable solution for patients who want relief from pain, redness, swelling in the affected area, and who don’t want to be restricted in their choice of footwear.

At our Centre, hallux valgus is treated using all globally recognised treatment methods: medicines, physiotherapy, special orthopaedic devices in case of mild deformity, and surgery when the deformity is severe.

Normally you will need to wear a special orthopaedic device for 3-6 weeks following the surgery, but you will be able to perform light every-day activities, such as driving and working on the computer. Physical activity may be resumed 8-12 weeks after the surgery.

At our Centre, hallux valgus surgery is performed by experienced surgeons, and no repeat surgery is required. Do not delay. Treatment that is started in good time is shorter and costs less.

Hallux valgus (bunion) surgery price

Hallux valgus surgery is the only option when the conservative treatment with medicines, physiotherapy etc., proves to be ineffective. The treatment price includes the pre-operative consultation with the orthopaedic traumatologist, x-ray, the surgery and other equipment required for the treatment. If screws are required for the surgery, please arrange for the follow-up surgery to remove them.

Doctor’s consultation

Duration - 30 min or less
  • Assessment of test results and health condition
  • Establishing the severity of the foot deformity
  • Discussion on the scope of surgery and post-surgical treatment


Both feet. Standard price with referral

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Duration – 30 min or less
  • 2-dimensional (several projection) x-ray.
  • Performed twice – pre-operatively and post-operatively. The patient can bring x-ray results from other healthcare providers.
  • The patient can bring results of other tests from other healthcare institutions or have them done at the Centre in 1 day.

Hallux valgus surgery

Under general anaesthetic. Single foot

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24 hour stay at the clinic.
  • The deformity and pain disappear.
  • No need for repeat surgery.
  • You will need to wear a splint and a special shoe for the first 6 weeks.
  • Normal footwear can be worn after 6 weeks.
  • Screws – €35 Eur each. Normally 2 are required.
  • Special shoe to be warn post-operatively - 40€

What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

What you need to know about surgery?

 Hallux valgus of the left foot. The right foot post hallux valgus treatment.

Surgery is recommended when treatment with medicines and different procedures does not yield the desired results, or when the deformity is at an advanced stage. The majority of patients experience relief from the bunion deformity and pain post-surgery. The aim of the surgery is to straighten the hallux valgus-induced crooked bone axis of the big toe, remove the bone spurs and restore the normal function of the joint.

Before the operation, the doctor will examine your foot, do an x-ray, measure the intermetatarsal angle, determine the severity of the deformity, and select the most suitable type of surgery.

  • If the degree of severity of hallux valgus deformity is mild, the orthopaedic surgeon will remove the bone spurs and perform the correction of tendons and ligaments around the joint (the metal implants - screws are not used).
  • For moderate hallux valgus deformation, the bone spurs are removed, the bone with the cut is repositioned correctly, and the correction of tendons and ligaments is performed around the joint (the metal implants – screws are not used).
  • For severe hallux valgus deformities the following surgical procedures are carried out: the bone spurs are removed, a V shape piece of the bone is removed, the bone is gently moved to correct the deviation and secured with metal implants. The correction of tendons and ligaments is performed.

If the joint has sustained extensive damage, additional soft tissue procedures or joint endoprosthesis may be performed. Usually one foot is operated upon at a time.

After the surgery a bandage is placed on the foot and special shoes are provided that must be worn for 3-6 weeks. Approximately 6 weeks later, ordinary shoes are allowed, but physical activity is still restricted for  8-12 weeks.

In the cases of mild to medium severity, the cut in the bone is secured with metal implants, screws or a plate. In more complex cases the foot is placed in a cast for 4 to 6 weeks. The patient is advised to use crutches and to avoid putting weight on the foot that has undergone surgery. The bone heals in 8 weeks. Following the surgery, it is essential to exercise the big toe. The exercises are to be started 10 to 12 days after the surgery, once the surgical incision has healed.

It is recommended to wait 4-6 months before the surgery on the other foot.

About 85% of patients are satisfied with the results of bunion surgery, but sometimes there is reduced mobility of the big toe. Although most patients are not bothered by this, this aspect is very important to athletes and dancers.

Occasionally the big toe slowly moves back to its previous position and the surgery needs to be repeated. There are sometimes even further complications and it is thus very important to choose a surgeon who is experienced in the hallux valgus problem.

Tests required before the surgery:

  • Complete blood count;
  • Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT);
  • Blood glucose test;
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) including interpretation.

Patients can bring their test records from other healthcare institutions, or they may have them done at the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre. The tests take 2 hrs. Prices of the tests performed at the Centre. The tests must be performed no earlier than 14 days before the surgery.

Patient memo. How to prepare for x-ray
deco round
4 reasons

for choosing us

  • The surgery can be performed during the week following the initial consultation. You can go home and travel by plane the next day.
  • The surgery is performed using a new high definition device – due to clear visualisation it achieves even better precision and speed.
  • Hospital acquired infection rate – 0 in 5 years.
  • The surgery is performed by doctors who provide consultations and surgeries to patients in our Centre, as well as in the country’s largest university clinics.


Rimas Darijus
Rimas Darijus

Orthopaedic traumatologist

  • language LT, RU, EN, PL
  • Working hours
Navikas Vygandas
Navikas Vygandas

Orthopaedic traumatologist

  • language LT, FR, EN, RU, PL
  • Working hours

Frequently asked questions

The type of foot is hereditary, which means that we may inherit the tendency for misalignment of the big toe. People with wide or flat feet are also more likely to develop the condition.

It does not necessarily follow that a daughter will develop bunions just because her mother did, but it does however, mean that the daughter will have to pay more attention to her feet and try to choose suitable footwear.  Older people are especially prone to developing hallux valgus. It is due to the joint and the protective cartilage of the big toe being affected by arthritis.

The course of treatment depends on the severity of the foot deformity and the intensity of pain. In order to prevent the progression of the condition, it is advisable to see an orthopaedic specialist at the first signs of misalignment and pain. If left untreated, bunions become more and more painful, the smaller toes become crowded and the entire foot becomes deformed.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, special insoles can be prescribed for mild pain and inflammation. Additional medicines are prescribed for gout and rheumatoid arthritis.

If treatment is delayed, the hallux valgus deformity will become severe, leaving you with only one treatment option, i.e. surgery.

The surgery takes approximately one hour. The operation is performed under a combined mild general and local anaesthesia. Analgesics are administered after the operation. You will stay at the Clinic for 24 hours, your stitches will be removed after ten days and you will have to wear a special shoe but no crutches for six weeks. At six weeks after the surgery you will have an x-ray and will be allowed to wear your own footwear and walk normally. Running is recommended after three months.

Don’t delay, take care of yourself now