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Carpal tunnel syndrome. Do your fingers feel numb?

A reliable and simple treatment!


Treatment of the hand condition, the so called carpal tunnel syndrome, is a reliable solution for patients who want relief from the constant numbness in their fingers, pain and weakness in the hand.

At our Centre we offer the following carpal syndrome treatment options: medicines, a wrist sling, physiotherapy and hormone injections. If none of the above options work, or when the disease is long-lasting (the patient has been suffering for months or for years), a simple but effective surgical procedure is recommended.

We are the only centre in Lithuania performing carpal tunnel surgery using both the traditional and the endoscopic surgery techniques. The latter is the most advanced method in the world and involves using a special single-use surgical knife.
This type of surgery allows for faster recovery and less prominent scarring, in addition to which the healing process is not as unpleasant or painful.

The small incisions are closed with special skin glue making the scar invisible, and the patient does not need to come back to the clinic to have their bandage changed or stitches removed.

The recovery period after endoscopic surgery usually takes half the time, i.e. the patient can resume their working activities in 3-6 weeks.

Treatment should commence at the first sign of symptoms of recurring numbness of the fingers. This will help to avoid severe damage to the nerve and muscle atrophy, and present better chances for a full and quick restoration of the hand function.

Surgery for the carpal tunnel syndrome price

Surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome is the most efficient solution when the hand needs to be saved and there is no time to waste. The treatment price includes the pre-operative consultation with the hand surgeon, the electroneurography test (in some cases), laboratory tests and the surgery. In some cases there may be a need to consult with other specialists (e.g. a neurologist) in order to select the best treatment option.

Doctor’s consultation

Duration – 30 min. or less.
  • Assessment of test results and treatment advice on the same day.
  • Discussion on the scope of surgery and post-surgical treatment.

Electroneurography test

Duration – 1 hour or less.
  • Confirms the diagnosis and its stage.
  • Our Centre is the only place where it is performed privately.
  • No queues.
  • Results are provided immediately after the test.
  • The patient can bring the results of other tests from other healthcare institutions or have them done at the Centre in 1 day.

Carpal tunnel endoscopy surgery

Duration of surgery – 15 min. 3-4 hour stay at the clinic.
  • Lower risk of complications.
  • Less visible scarring, no changes to the anatomy of the hand.
  • Less pain after the surgery.
  • Shorter recovery period - 3-4 weeks (instead of 6 weeks with open surgery method), faster return to work.

What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

What you need to know about surgery?

The surgeon makes a small incision in the crease of the wrist. The endoscope, including a camera and a cutting tool, is guided through inside the carpal tunnel. When the camera is used, only the transverse carpal ligament is cut, causing no damage to the skin, the subcutaneous tissue or the muscles. The endoscope is taken out, the wound is closed with stitches and a pressure bandage is applied. To make the patient more comfortable, the surgery is performed under local anaesthesia with IV sedation. After the surgery, the space in the tunnel increases and the pressure on the nerve decreases.

Picture. Carpal tunnel endoscopic surgery

Advantages of endoscopic surgery:

  • A considerably smaller incision on the skin.

  • Reduced post-operative pain.

  • Return to work in half the time of open surgery.

The majority of patients start feeling relief the night after the surgery, as they are no longer bothered by the painful numbness or weakness of the hand. Some patients continue to experience numbness and weakness in their fingers for some time. This can be due to the severe and prolonged compression of the median nerve, and the onset of muscle atrophy.

The surgery is effective because it sufficiently releases the pressure on the nerve and makes enough space for the nerve to regenerate. The daily regeneration rate is 1 mm, and 2-3 months later the nerve is fully regenerated.

Following endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery, the hand may be used, pain permitting, and hard physical work may be resumed 3 weeks later. The patient is discharged on the same day following the surgery.

It is very important to start treatment with no delay, as it may be impossible to reverse the muscle atrophy later.

The surgeon makes a small incision in the palm side of the wrist, trying to cut into the skin creases to avoid prominent scarring later. The aim of the surgery is to cut the ligament that covers the carpal tunnel. The surgery is performed under local anaesthetic. The surgery increases the space in the tunnel and reduces the pressure on the median nerve.

Picture. Open carpal tunnel surgery

The majority of patients start feeling relief the night after the surgery, as they are not bothered by the painful numbness or weakness of the hand. Some patients continue to experience numbness and weakness in their fingers for some time. This can be due to the severe and prolonged compression of the median nerve, and the onset of muscle atrophy.

The surgery is effective because it sufficiently releases the pressure on the nerve and makes enough space for the nerve to regenerate. The daily regeneration rate is 1 mm, and 2-3 months later the nerve is fully regenerated.

Following surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome, the patient may resume easy physical tasks after 3-4 weeks, and hard physical tasks – after 6 weeks. The patient is discharged on the same day following the surgery.

It is very important to start treatment with no delay, as it may be impossible to reverse the muscle atrophy later.

Tests required before the surgery:

  • Complete blood count;

  • Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT);

  • Blood glucose test;

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) including interpretation.

Patients can bring their test records from other healthcare institutions, or they may have them done at the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre. The tests take 2 hrs. Prices of the tests performed at the Centre. The tests must be performed no earlier than 14 days before the surgery.


Patient memo. How to prepare for the x-ray
deco round
4 reasons

for choosing us

  • Consultations and tests – all in one day. The surgery can be performed within 1-3 weeks after the primary consultation. You can go home on the same day following the surgery.

  • We are the only private medical centre in Lithuania performing the carpal tunnel syndrome surgery, using both the traditional open and the advanced endoscopic surgery techniques.

  • Hospital acquired infection rate – 0 in 5 years.

  • Surgeries are performed by some of the most experienced doctors in Lithuania.


Sereika Simonas
Sereika Simonas

Orthopaedic traumatologist, Hand surgeon

  • language LT, EN, RU, DE
  • Working hours
Assoc. prof., MD  Minderis Mindaugas
Assoc. prof., MD Minderis Mindaugas

Plastic and reconstructive surgeon

  • language EN, RU

Frequently asked question

At the beginning, you are woken up at night by tingling and numbness, burning and pain in the fingers. The hand needs to be lowered, shaken and massaged. In the morning the fingers feel stiff and have to be exercised. As the disease progresses, the fingers start feeling numb during the day, it becomes difficult to handle small items, and you can feel a reduction in the dexterity of your fingers. These are the most common symptoms of the syndrome.

If this affects fingers 1-4, the numbness is related to physical exertion and can be relieved by shaking and massaging the hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a possibility. You should see a neurologist who will provide you with the diagnosis and give treatment advice.

Hypothetically carpal tunnel syndrome should be diagnosed by the general practitioner, but the final diagnosis and treatment advice is the neurologist’s competence. If pharmacotherapy fails to work, or if the syndrome continues for a long time, patients are referred to a hand surgeon for surgical treatment advice.

If a few days ago your hands were exposed to unusual physical exertion, you have inflammation of the finger and wrist flexor tendons. You need to take oral and topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and limit physical pressure on your hands. If your condition does not improve, I would recommend seeing your general practitioner or arrange for a consultation with one of our orthopaedic-traumatologists.

Yes, it is but only because the right hand is the dominant hand for the majority of people. Essentially, this problem is related to the hand which is exposed to harder and more intense activity.


Don’t delay, take care of yourself now