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Shoulder surgery

A reliable and caring treatment


Treatment of shoulder conditions, such as frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injuries, instability or damage to the joint, and the snapping scapula syndrome, is a reliable solution for patients who want relief from the discomfort associated with a painful shoulder, who fear a shoulder dislocation and experience the unpleasant ‘snapping’ of the scapula; and also those who want to be able to move and participate in professional sports without feeling any discomfort.

At our Centre we offer the following shoulder treatment options: medicines, kinesiotherapy, physiotherapy, as well as pain receptor block injections. If the above options do not yield the desired result, or when the damage to the shoulder is excessive, surgical treatment is recommended.

We favour the minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery method, which allows for faster recovery. You will have to wear a sling for 1-6 weeks after the surgery. Active physical activities may be re-started in 1-5 months, depending on the severity of your condition.

Treatment should be commenced at the onset of the first symptoms, as this helps to avoid complications, more complex surgeries and prolonged post-operative rehabilitation.

Shoulder surgery price

Shoulder surgery is the only option when conservative treatment with medicines, physiotherapy etc., proves to be ineffective. The treatment price includes a pre-operative consultation with the orthopaedic traumatologist, x-ray (CT, MRT), laboratory tests, the surgery and other equipment required for the treatment.

Doctor’s consultation

Duration – 30 min. or less
  • Assessment of test results and treatment advice on the same day
  • Discussion on the scope of surgery and post-surgical treatment.

CT test

Single joint. Standard price with referral

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Duration – 1 hour or less
  • Results provided immediately after the test.
  • The patient can bring the results of other tests from other healthcare institutions or have them done at the Centre in 1 day.

MRT test

Single joint. Standard price with referral

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Duration – 1 hour or less
  • Results provided immediately after the test.
  • The patient can bring the results of other tests from other healthcare institutions or have them done at the Centre in 1 day.

Shoulder arthroscopy

Under general anaesthesia. Standard price with referral

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24 hour stay at the Clinic.
  • No open surgery, hence faster recovery.
  • Faster rehabilitation – 3 weeks (instead of 6 weeks with other methods).
  • 24 hrs later you can already work on the computer.

What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

What you need to know about surgery?

The surgery is performed after establishing that the frozen shoulder is being provoked by bone spurs or changes in the bone structure, calcium deposits or a tendon tear. The surgery removes the cause of the condition and restores the integrity of the torn tendon.

After the surgery:

  • You will no longer feel the symptoms associated with the condition: pain at night, painful movements, reduced range of motion, reduced strength, “snapping” or shoulder stiffness.
  • For 1-4 weeks after the surgery you will have to wear a shoulder sling which can be removed for your special exercise sessions.
  • Usual physical activities may resume in 1-3 months, depending on the scale of the injury and the scope of the reconstructive work.

During arthroscopic surgery, the doctor will repair the labral tear by suturing, and fill in or reconstruct the bone defects, which often present as a serious cause of shoulder instability. The surgery is essential in order to avoid the risk of joint arthrosis.

After the surgery:

  • You will no longer experience the top of the humerus popping out of its socket, partial shoulder dislocation when moving, fear of the shoulder being dislocated, pain and weakness when lifting your arm above your shoulder; and you will be able to take part in sports, and do tasks with your arms raised.
  • You will start special exercises (kinesiotherapy) 4-6 weeks following the surgery.
  • Usual physical activity may resume after 3-5 months following the surgery.

During the arthroscopic surgery, the doctor removes various bone spurs or tumours that are causing the syndrome.

During the arthroscopic surgery for the snapping scapula syndrome 2 small incisions for surgery access are made in the patient’s back.

After the surgery:

  • You will no longer feel the painful, audible, palpable “popping” sensation in the inner corner of the scapula, pain and weakness when lifting your arm above your shoulder, and will be able to take part in sports activities and work with your arms extended in front of you.
  • It is not recommended to make brisk upward movements with your arm for 1 month.
  • Usual physical activity may resume 6-8 weeks following the surgery.

Tests required before the surgery:

  • Complete blood count;
  • Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT);
  • Blood glucose test;
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) including interpretation.

Patients can bring their test records from other healthcare institutions, or they may have them done at the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre. The tests take 2 hrs. Prices of the tests performed at the Centre. The tests must be performed no earlier than 14 days before the surgery.

Before the surgery, your doctor will discuss with you the equipment required in your case, both pre- and post-operatively. These are the most commonly used items:

  • Implants - anchors (€139–217 per unit) or screws (€35 per unit). Normally no more than 3 units are required.
  • Special sling post-operatively – €15
Patient memo. How to prepare for CT test
Patient memo. How to prepare for MRT test
deco round
4 reasons

for choosing us:

  • The surgery can be performed during the week following the initial consultation. You can go home and travel by plane on the next day.
  • The surgery is performed using a new high definition device – due to clear visualisation it achieves even better precision and speed.
  • Hospital acquired infection rate – 0 in 5 years.
  • The surgery is performed by doctors who provide consultations and surgeries to patients in our Centre, as well as in the country’s largest university clinics.


Piesina Eugenijus
Piesina Eugenijus

Orthopaedic traumatologist

  • language LT, EN, RU
  • Working hours
MD  Tutkus Vytautas
MD Tutkus Vytautas

Plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Orthopaedic traumatologist

  • language LT, RU, EN
  • Working hours

Frequently asked questions

It looks like you are suffering from the snapping scapula syndrome. The condition does not get enough attention, and the syndrome often remains undiagnosed due to the lack of knowledge about it. General practitioners as well as some other physicians often fail to recognise the syndrome. If the pain is bearable, patients simply give up on visiting their out-patient unit. As they don’t get an explanation of their condition or the reasons for the re-occurring pain, patients often put up with the discomfort and suffer in silence until it starts to interfere with their work activities.

Pain is the main reason for the patient to consult the orthopaedic-traumatologist. A thorough examination, x-ray, CT or MRT tests allow the doctor to provide the diagnosis and recommend specific treatment.

There is no direct link between the pain in the scapular area and sedentary work, but the decreased muscle tone of the back and shoulder blade moving muscles is definitely a provoking factor for this syndrome. Exercising is the best preventative measure, and one of the treatment stages when the condition occurs.

Preventative measures can have a positive impact if the cause of the syndrome is fatigue and uncomfortable repetitive movements. We must find time for exercising if we want to stay healthy. Exercising is essential even for those who perform difficult physical tasks at work, as it is important to strengthen all the muscle groups, including those that are normally resting when we work. That is the only way to achieve full body harmony. Have you noticed that tired people especially enjoy neck and shoulder massage? That is because it relaxes the tense muscles, improves the blood circulation and soothes chronic inflammation. However, if the syndrome is at an advanced stage or if the presence of bone spurs or tumours has been established, surgical treatment is unavoidable. The shoulder pain often ensues after a trauma, which could be the result of a certain situation that could not have been prevented.

These conditions are usually accompanied by night-time pain, painful movements, reduced range of motion, reduced strength, a “snapping” sensation and shoulder stiffness.

Middle aged or older people are more likely to experience the symptoms. There is a paradox associated with this condition, as sometimes strong pain and distinct loss of function are attributable to only slight structural changes, while at other times serious anatomical changes are accompanied by weak pain and slight discomfort, continuing up to the point where the condition is hard to treat. Only a doctor can provide a conclusive diagnosis of the injury and its extent, after performing special assessment tests and the shoulder MRT test.

Treatment of shoulder instability with medicines or other conservative methods is usually ineffective, therefore stabilising surgery is recommended. If the surgery is not performed, partial and full dislocations will re-occur, increasing the risk of shoulder joint arthrosis. Moreover, the patient will have to give up their sporting activities and active life-style.


Don’t delay, take care of yourself now