A saggy abdomen is a health issue, as well as an aesthetic nuisance, as it damages the spine and the organs of the lesser pelvis and prevents the muscles which have been overstretched from protecting the internal organs.
Abdominoplasty is the single most effective way to remove excess skin and fat after a pregnancy, gynaecological surgeries, or weight loss and to pull up the muscles of the abdomen.
Abdominoplasty is recommended if:
- there is some excess abdominal skin after a pregnancy or extreme weight loss;
- the abdominal wall becomes weaker due to the stretched abdominal muscles, which results in a protruding belly that cannot be corrected with diet or sport.
At our Centre, we can perform several plastic-aesthetic surgeries at the same time to achieve the maximum effect and save the patient from additional anaesthesia.
Abdominoplasty price
Abdominoplasty price includes a consultation with a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, lab tests needed prior to the surgery, and the surgery itself.
The overall health is evaluated.
Expectations are discussed, the area of concern is examined.
Future results are modelled.
The optimal solution is recommended.
The consultation takes 30-60 minutes.
The patient can see the skin lift effect immediately, the final result is achieved in 3-4 months.
Can be combined with liposuction, umbilicoplasty, and other surgeries.
The surgery takes 3-4 hours.
The patient spends 1-2 days at the Centre in total.
What factors affect the price?
The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.
4 reasons
To choose us
- Consultation and exams done in 1 day.
- The surgery can be performed the same or the next week after the consultation.
- The rate of hospital-acquired infections is 0 in 5 years.
- The surgery is performed by some of the most experienced doctors in Lithuania.