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The eyes are one of the most expressive facial features which many of us would like to retain as lively and beautiful. With years, however, the eyelids become droopy and the gaze turns sad and tired. It is not uncommon that droopy eyelids reduce vision. Blepharoplasty is one of the most popular aesthetic surgeries today; quick, simple and minimally invasive, it can be repeated several times. Whether the surgery is possible and purposeful is decided by the doctor.

Blepharoplasty—removal of excess skin—does not target dark circles under the eyes, crow’s feet etched in the corner of the eye, or other facial wrinkles that give away the patient’s age, but can improve eyesight, looks, and self-esteem.
Before launching into the surgery, the patient should think about the desired results and discuss them with the surgeon.

Blepharoplasty is recommended if:

  • droopy eyelids have reduced the patient’s field of vision;
  • the patient wishes to correct their looks and get rid of a tired gaze.

The patient spends 3-24 hours at the Centre on the day of the surgery. Our doctors recommend going back to work and usual routine 2 weeks after the surgery, when the swelling has gone down and the patient feels much better.
At our Centre, we can perform several plastic-aesthetic surgeries at the same time, for example combine blepharoplasty with a brow lift, filler injections, or laser procedures, to achieve the maximum effect.


Blepharoplasty price

Hila standard price Eur with a referral letter Hila For clients who are covered by compulsory health insurance
Regular price Regular For clients who are not covered by compulsory health insurance
Anaesthesia, endotracheal (first 2 hours) (including VAT)

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Consultation of the plastic and reconstuctive surgeon

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Local narcosis (surgical intervention or invasive procedure)

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Primary consultation of associate professor of Medicine, Dr. Med. plastic and reconstuctive surgeon

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Blepharoplasty price includes a consultation with a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, lab tests needed prior to the surgery, and the surgery itself.


What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

Checklist for patients prior to blood tests

What should you know about the surgery?

Prior to the surgery, tell your doctor if:

  • you are allergic;
  • you take anticoagulants or have coagulation disorders (thrombosis included);
  • you have diabetes and take medication;
  • you have been diagnosed with cancer;
  • you have had corticosteroid injections in the last 6 weeks;
  • you have a heart pacemaker implanted;
  • you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant;
  • you have immunosuppression;
  • you feel unwell on the day of the surgery;
  • you have been ill prior to the procedure (a fever, flu, cold);
  • you smoke (abstaining is recommended for at least 4 weeks prior to surgery).
  • a complete blood count;
  • blood coagulation test (APTT);
  • electrocardiogram (EKG) and its evaluation;
  • blood glucose level test;
  • other tests if you have chronic diseases, as prescribed by your doctor.

The patient can bring their test records from other healthcare institutions, or they may have them done at the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre in 2 hours. Prices of the tests performed at the Centre. The tests must be performed no earlier than 14 days before the surgery.


Upper eyelid correction is carried out with a local anaesthetic, which is injected into the area where the incision is going to be made. If both upper and lower eyelids are to be corrected, general anaesthesia is recommended.
Blepharoplasty takes about 1.5-2 hours, if both upper and lower eyelids are being corrected. If only the  upper eyelids are addressed, the surgery takes about 40 minutes. Duration of the surgery also depends on the state of the eyelids prior to the surgery.
If all 4 eyelids are being corrected at the same surgery, the surgeon usually begins with the upper eyelids. The incision is normally made lengthways parallel to the natural line of the eyelid. The surgeon then removes the excess skin, muscle and fat, if needed, through the incisions.
The surgeon positions the incision into the natural fold of the upper eyelid, in order to hide it and make it virtually invisible. In lower eyelid blepharoplasty, the incision can be done a few millimetres below the line of the eyelashes on the lower eyelid. If there is no excess skin, only a lower eyelid fat hypertrophy, a transconjunctival incision is made (through the inner side of the lower eyelid and the conjunctiva).
The surgeon stitches up the incisions with a fine thread (as thin as a hair). The suture stays in the eyelids for about a week after the surgery. If a transconjunctival incision is made, suturing is not needed.
During the surgery, the eyeball is not touched, therefore the surgery should not affect eyesight in any way.

The patient can go home 3-4 hours after the surgery (if local anaesthetic was used). Having someone to look after the patient for at least 24 hours after the surgery is recommended.
After blepharoplasty the suture is not kept for more than a week. The edges of the wound are covered with a special plaster SteriStrip, which must be kept in place until the suture is removed.
Often after the surgery the patient may experience swelling and bruising and notice that the skin around the eyes has lost its sensitivity. The appearance will return to normal in about 2 weeks, and the total recovery should be expected in a month. Sometimes the eyes get dry after the surgery, but this does not usually last longer than 2 weeks. If, however, discomfort caused by dry eyes continues for more than 2 weeks, we recommend asking your doctor for help.After the surgery, the patient must have the following at home: ice, sterile gauze, eye drops or artificial tears (the doctor will recommend the most suitable ones), clean towels, painkillers (also recommended by the doctor).
The scar becomes less visible 3-6 months after the surgery. As in all surgeries, there is a possibility of some complications (e.g., bleeding, infection, dry eyes), but they are rare and easily manageable.
The effect lasts 5-7 years, sometimes more. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty rarely needs a retouch. It is important to remember that ageing of the eyes does not stop after the surgery. It happens that after some time, the eyelids start to droop over the eyelashes once again. That being the case, it is better not to redo a blepharoplasty but rather choose a face lift. How long the effect of the surgery will last depends on the lifestyle of the patient, eyelid care, ageing and heredity.


  • avoiding bending your head and doing housework, do not lift heavy objects;
  • limiting exercise and abstaining from the sauna and pool for about a month;
  • not using contact lenses for a week;
  • abstaining from alcohol and make-up use until the suture is removed.

Your surgeon will schedule your next appointment after the surgery.
If you come from abroad, you will discuss all the details (when you can take a flight and what post-operative care is needed) together with your doctor after the surgery.
We do not issue sick leave certificates after aesthetic surgeries, therefore, if you are not going back to work immediately after the surgery, you should plan to schedule your post-operative period as a holiday.

Cold compresses and ointments that the doctor prescribes help shorten the rehabilitation period.

Peace and quiet are essential in the post-operative period. The patient can watch TV, surf the internet, read books. Having a holiday retreat in a resort and even moderate sunbathing are also allowed. The most important thing is not to forget sunglasses.

  • the patient has a severe, life-threatening condition;
  • the patient is diagnosed with particular vision conditions (e.g. myopia), has recently had eye surgeries;
  • the patient has increased blood pressure (the risk is evaluated by the doctor);
  • the patient has infections or viral diseases (the surgery can be performed after a full recovery).
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4 reasons

To choose us

  • Consultation and exams done in 1 day.
  • The surgery can be performed the same or the next week after the consultation.
  • The rate of hospital-acquired infections is 0 in 5 years.
  • The surgery is performed by some of the most experienced doctors in Lithuania.


Romanova-Paskevic Jelena
Romanova-Paskevic Jelena

Plastic and reconstructive surgeon

  • language LT, EN, RU, PL, BY
  • Working hours

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is normally done under local anaesthesia, therefore, the patient can usually go home in 1-2 hours after the surgery. Swelling and bruising may stay for 1-4 weeks, but they usually go away in 2 weeks and the patient may resume work. The suture is removed 5-7 days after the surgery.

Blepharoplasty complications are rare and easy to solve.
After blepharoplasty, as after any other surgery, some complications—bleeding, infections, dry eyes—are possible. In rare cases, the eyelid colour may change, a keloid scar may form, the eyelid skin may abnormally turn inwards or outwards (applies only to lower eyelids), the eyelids may not close fully. Then the patient needs corrective surgeries.

The result of the surgery can be properly evaluated only when the affected tissue completely recovers, i.e. when post-operative scar forms and becomes pale. The blepharoplasty scar pales for about 3-6 months.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty results last 5-7 years, sometimes more. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty rarely needs a retouch. It is important to remember that ageing of the eyes does not stop after the surgery. It happens that after some time, the eyelids start to droop over the eyelashes once again. That being the case, it is better not to redo a blepharoplasty but rather choose a facelift.

Blepharoplasty can be repeated several times. How long the effect of the surgery will last depends on the lifestyle of the patient, eyelid care, ageing and heredity. Taking care of oneself, avoiding rapid weight gain or weight loss, and using appropriate quality cosmetics is key.

Do not delay. Take care of yourself.