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Sorry, we are not providing darsonvalization services temporarily. Coming soon, we will provide the service again!

Darsonvalization is a medical treatment that uses alternating high frequency and high voltage impulse current. In local darsonvalization, a high-frequency alternating impulse current (100–500 kHZ) from the generator enters the patient through the glass vacuum electrodes which are moved over the body surface or inserted into a cavity.

Darsonvalization is performed to:

  • Reduce pain

  • Improve circulation
  • Boost the immune system
  • For peripheral nervous system disorders (migraine, causalgic pain, stenocardia)
  • Neurasthenia-related headaches
  • Trophic changes (trophic ulcers, frost-bite, hair problems (e.g. hair loss))
  • Dilated veins

The duration of the procedure is 30 min.

No special preparation is required.

Darsonvalization price

Regular price Regular For clients who are not covered by compulsory health insurance

What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

deco round
  • Almost all required services are provided under one roof.

  • Your visit can be arranged so that you will have the test, a doctor’s consultation and treatment advice on the same day.

  • Renovated premises and latest equipment

Patiens about us


Kirtikliene Virginija
Kirtikliene Virginija

Physical medicine and rehabilitation physician

  • language LT, RU, EN, PL
  • Working hours
Vorobjova Spodra
Vorobjova Spodra

Physical medicine and rehabilitation physician

  • language LT, EN, RU, LV
  • Working hours

Don’t delay, take care of yourself now