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Cryotherapy (cold therapy)

For childs and adults


Cryotherapy – treatment with cold, or very low temperatures – is a comparatively non-invasive and effective solution for people who suffer from recurring nose and throat diseases and related ailments.

Cryotherapy is recommended if the following is diagnosed:

  • chronic allergic rhinitis
  • vasomotor (medication-induced) rhinitis
  • recurrent nosebleeds
  • a prolonged sore throat due to chronic pharyngitis
  • recurrent detritus plugs in the tonsils (tonsil stones)
  • chronic tonsillitis
  • cysts or haemangiomas in the tonsils, fauces or pharynx
  • snoring

Treatment. Before recommending the most suitable treatment for you, an ear, nose and throat doctor will examine your nasal cavity or throat from the inside with a video camera, i.e., will perform a fibroscopy (endoscopic examination) of the nose or throat. Our doctors always give priority to less invasive treatments, which cryotherapy is.

The procedure is safe and quick – it takes from 15 to 20 minutes – and is suitable for both adults and children. Patients describe cryotherapy treatment as relatively painless but, rather, a little unpleasant as the procedure involves touching the larynx.

It usually takes 2-4 cryotherapy sessions every few weeks to reach the desired result.

After the procedure. You will be able to get back to your usual activities a few hours after the procedure. The risk of bleeding or other complications is very low, and the treated area heals scar-free.

You will notice an improvement after a series of treatments, although some patients feel the effects as soon as after the first session.

Cryotherapy will help you to reclaim your comfort of life quickly and effectively, without disturbing your usual daily rhythm.


Cryotherapy and cryosurgery treatment price

Hila standard price Eur with a referral letter Hila For clients who are covered by compulsory health insurance
Regular price Regular For clients who are not covered by compulsory health insurance
Repeated consultation of the ENT specialist

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Regular price Regular For clients who are not covered by compulsory health insurance
Fibroscopy (endoscopy) of the nose and throat

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Before the nose cryosurgery procedure, it is necessary to perform laboratory tests, electrocardiogram and other tests, if necessary.

Regular price Regular For clients who are not covered by compulsory health insurance

What factors affect the price?

The prices indicated below apply to citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
If you are coming from another country please check the price by telephoning or sending an email.

More about prices

What you should know about cryotherapy

Abstaining from food for 2 hours prior to both nasal and pharyngeal cryotherapy procedures is recommended.

The patients must know their history of chronic illnesses and the medications they take and be healthy on the day of the procedure, i.e., not have an acute cold.

There is no other special preparation required for the procedure.

If you have a slightly more complicated cryosurgery procedure planned, we would kindly ask you to have the necessary tests done.

Tests needed before the procedure:

  • a complete blood count
  • blood coagulation test (APTT, SPA INR)
  • blood glucose level test
  • electrocardiography (ECG) and its evaluation

The patient can bring their test records from other healthcare institutions or have them done at the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre in 2 hours. Prices of the tests performed at the centre. The tests must be performed no earlier than 14 days before the surgery and the results must fall within the normal range.

Before the procedure, the nasal cavities or larynx are numbed with medication. Then the probe is inserted and as the button of the machine is pressed, it releases nitrogen gas, which breaks down the damaged mucous membrane.

Each nasal cavity is frozen for one minute.

Exposed to cold cryogenic gas of 20-30 degrees Celsius, the inflammatory cells of the damaged tissue are destroyed with and new cell growth – regeneration – is stimulated.

The area being treated does not bleed, and the risk of bleeding is low after the procedure, too. When done properly, the procedure is almost painless, the treated area heals scar-free and, in most cases, it is complication-free and the recovery is quick and easy.



These procedures are not recommended for people who are allergic to cold or who have an acute infection.

It’s worth remembering that it is normal to have a slightly sore throat after a cryotherapy session (for up to a week) and to experience a stuffy nose and slight secretion after a cryosurgery. Patients usually feel well and are free of the aforementioned symptoms after a couple of weeks.

deco round

Why choose us

  • You can have your consultation, examination and procedure done in a single appointment.
  • We are among the few healthcare providers in Lithuania to offer cryotherapy for nose and throat disease treatment.
  • Experienced doctors consult patients and perform the surgeries not only at our centre but also at the largest university clinics in the country.


Tamosaitienė Inga
Tamosaitienė Inga

ENT doctor (ear, nose and throat), Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT)

  • language LT, RU, EN, PL
  • Working hours
Tolocka Rimvydas
Tolocka Rimvydas

ENT doctor (ear, nose and throat), Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT)

  • language LT, EN, RU
  • Working hours
Žakienė Gabrielė
Currently unavailable
Žakienė Gabrielė

ENT doctor (ear, nose and throat), Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT)

  • language LT, EN, DE
  • Working hours
Karnas Ignas
Karnas Ignas

ENT doctor (ear, nose and throat), Surgeon (oncology), Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT)

  • language EN
  • Working hours
Matulevicius Andrius
Matulevicius Andrius

ENT doctor (ear, nose and throat), Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT)

  • language LT, EN, RU, DE
  • Working hours
Zaldokas Gytis
Zaldokas Gytis

ENT doctor (ear, nose and throat), Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT)

  • language LT, EN, DE
  • Working hours
MD  Arechvo Irina
MD Arechvo Irina

ENT doctor (ear, nose and throat)

  • language LT, RU, EN
  • Working hours

Frequently asked questions

Cryotherapy has been successfully used for more than 30 years in different medical fields in the world, most widely in skincare. It is a safe and effective treatment, and in otorhinolaryngology (ENT) it is considered a much safer method because of the lower risk of bleeding after treatment.

Yes, cryotherapy is particularly suitable for throat treatment. If you are diagnosed with hypertrophic pharyngitis, which typically involves a sore throat, throat clearing and additional mucus, it means that too many granules of the lymphoid tissue are being formed in the posterior wall of the pharynx, which we can successfully remove with cryotherapy.

If you are diagnosed with atrophic pharyngitis, pharmacotherapy can be accompanied by superficial nitrogen applications, which will stimulate the renewal of the mucous membrane and the blood supply.

Don’t delay, take care of yourself now