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Vision. Mission. Goal.


We aim to be the leader among private healthcare providers in the Baltic region in meeting and exceeding the needs and expectations of our patients in the best way.


We help you stay healthy and do everything to help you recover from an illness in the quickest and safest way.


To diagnose illness and prescribe treatments – within 1 day.


Careful, respectful and professional attitude to every person – a patient, a partner, a colleague. Listening, hearing, comforting, reassuring, telling the truth without rush and understandably, explaining what will be done to regain and enhance one’s health, – all of which leads to successful collaboration between the Centre’s doctors and patients. Timely diagnosed, stopped and cured disease, successful surgery, cleverly designed and implemented health plan provides health or relief to the patient, and greatest meaning and satisfaction to the doctor with his work.

From the very first contact, the patient and the Centre’s doctors, nurses and administrative staff create a partnership that continues for many years. The Centre has even become a home of health for several generations. Whether seniors or children and their parents, all clients feel the warmth, love, care, and attention of each doctor, nurse, receptionist, cloakroom attendant, or administrative staff. We are reliable companions for our clients on their health promotion journey. Fostering value-adding partnerships, we form long-term sustainable relationships with businesses, state institutions and non-governmental organizations based on trust and ethics. We have come together for the common goal of diagnosing and curing the disease and improving health and well-being.

Practice and management based on scientific evidence, latest medical discoveries of the world are the cornerstones of our activity and our greatest distinctiveness. We focus not on the compulsory but on the highest standard of quality, safety and service. We believe that health and life are the most important values. Without them, all other values lose their meaning. The highest quality and safety standards apply when we choose employees, purchase medical equipment, and adopt quality or management decisions. At our Centre we believe it is particularly important to offer patients the most up-to-date and effective testing and treatment options that meet individual health needs and service priorities of each individual. The Centre doctors prescribe tests and provide medical services only when they are based on modern medical science, practice and are necessary for the patient. The daily sincere work of the Centre’s staff is highly appreciated by patients, clients, partners, as well as the most acclaimed medical institutions of foreign countries (USA, Great Britain, Germany). The Centre’s services are acknowledged to be of exceptional quality and safety, and are awarded with the highest quality awards.

The rapidly evolving science and technology of medicine require continuous improvement of knowledge and skills. Both in Lithuania and beyond, we are famous not only as a medical facility having the most modern medical equipment, the latest diagnostic and medical installations, but also as an employer of curious employees, progressing every year. The Centre continuously invests in the training of employees, invites foreign specialists to share experience, upgrades its equipment, develops new products, and expands the range of services. We are open to ideas, use the experience and readily share it with others. The path of improvement is full of challenges, and we can stay ahead only when we move forward. Being at the forefront gives our patients the greatest value to their health.

Beginning with the first contact, the partnership of the patient with the Centre’s doctors, nurses and administration staff continues for many years. The Centre has become a home of health for several generations. The warmth, love, attention and care of each specialist – a doctor, a nurse, a registrar, a warder or an administration worker – are felt by both seniors, children, and their parents. We are a team when we are together. While working for common goal – diagnosing, overcoming the disease and enhancing health.

We not only declare, – we adhere to the highest standards of deontology, ethics and morality in medicine, nursing and business. We are reliable partners of medicine and business, we walk the talk, and deliver our promises. We operate transparently – we reward employees for their work, we do not accept gifts from patients nor business partners, and do not create any prerequisites for corruption. We do not discriminate our people based on gender, age, language, ethnicity, marital status, education, disability, religion, beliefs, or political views. We respect the patient's determination to choose another healthcare provider – private or public (a doctor, a medical institution), to get a second opinion on the diagnosis or on treatment of a disease. We guarantee the right of the patient: to take decisions related to their health care without coercion; express their freedom in the examination and treatment plan, which is certified by the patient's signature, with informed consent; to get detailed information about their health condition and the planned health care.