Skubi šeimos gydytojo konsultacija nuotoliu!
Atsisiųskite programėlę uhealth
Mums labai svarbi Jūsų nuomonė apie suteiktas paslaugas. Stengiamės nuolat gerinti jų kokybę ir pacientų aptarnavimo kultūrą.
Visi tinklalapyje pateikti atsiliepimai yra tikri. Atsiliepimus pateikusių pacientų, klientų, lankytojų vardai ir pavardės Hila yra žinomi, tačiau, vykdant galiojančių įstatymų reikalavimus, atsiliepimai yra nuasmeninti.
Sužinokite, ką mano kiti pacientai
I would like to extend my thanks to the doctors and the nurse at the Endoscopy Centre who performed the gastroscopy test on me.
To tell the truth, I was a bit anxious before the test as I thought it would hurt, but it didn’t take me long to realise I was in good hands. Before the test I received a comprehensive explanation of what will be done and for what purpose whereas during the test I experienced no unpleasant sensations thanks to the short-term anaesthesia. Wonderful staff!
In a month’s time from now I will need another gastroscopy test, but now I know there is no need to worry about that.
Thank you!
To tell the truth, I was a bit anxious before the test as I thought it would hurt, but it didn’t take me long to realise I was in good hands. Before the test I received a comprehensive explanation of what will be done and for what purpose whereas during the test I experienced no unpleasant sensations thanks to the short-term anaesthesia. Wonderful staff!
In a month’s time from now I will need another gastroscopy test, but now I know there is no need to worry about that.
Thank you!
From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank the urologist Narimantas Balčiūnas for prompt and painless removal of 1 cm stone from my kidney.
For almost half-a-year I was feeling twinge in the waist area. Finally the pain became unbearable and I applied to physicians. They recommended me to address Mr. Balčiūnas, a physician working for the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre. I contacted him immediately. All necessary tests were carried out on the same day. The stone-removal procedure lasted just 40 minutes. I could barely feel something. I was discharged home on the same day.
Sincere thanks!
For almost half-a-year I was feeling twinge in the waist area. Finally the pain became unbearable and I applied to physicians. They recommended me to address Mr. Balčiūnas, a physician working for the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre. I contacted him immediately. All necessary tests were carried out on the same day. The stone-removal procedure lasted just 40 minutes. I could barely feel something. I was discharged home on the same day.
Sincere thanks!
I would like to thank Mr. Arūnas Grigaitis, M.D., for successful leg surgery. Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre employs the best professionals, offers welcoming service and nice environment.
Thank you for your services!
Thank you for your services!
I have paid a series of visits to the echoscopist Mr. Vilius Miškinis. He is an excellent professional, who knows his work very well. He is straightforward, diligent, and sincere. Always gives exhaustive advice, works without counting his working hours or sparing himself.
Our medicine would not be criticized so much, if there were more physicians like him.
Thank you!
Our medicine would not be criticized so much, if there were more physicians like him.
Thank you!
Rimas Darijus
Ortopedas - traumatologas
One delighted patient at the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Center at the end of November was Bengt Brustad, COO of the pan-Baltic Reval Hotels chain, which is owned by the Norwegian real estate investment company Linstow.
”I was in Lithuania to oversee the start of the reconstruction of the chain’s newly acquired Taikioji Neris hotel in Kaunas, when I suffered a serious torn meniscus in my knee. A colleague of mine recommended me the clinic, where I had surgery, stayed overnight, and then walked out without assistance the following morning.
The pain was terrible, but I managed to make an appointment at the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Center at very short notice. Darijus Rimas, MD, who later did the surgery, immediately put me at easy by his ability to communicate. Almost everyone at the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Center speaks English. I can honestly say that it was the most impressive medical service I’ve ever experienced.
In addition to that, the treatment, which I paid for by my BUPA health insurance in the UK, was an improvement on countries like Sweden.
I was given detailed explanations about the surgery. I felt safe and comfortable in my room. The nurse was very kind and helpful and the service was really excellent.”
”I was in Lithuania to oversee the start of the reconstruction of the chain’s newly acquired Taikioji Neris hotel in Kaunas, when I suffered a serious torn meniscus in my knee. A colleague of mine recommended me the clinic, where I had surgery, stayed overnight, and then walked out without assistance the following morning.
The pain was terrible, but I managed to make an appointment at the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Center at very short notice. Darijus Rimas, MD, who later did the surgery, immediately put me at easy by his ability to communicate. Almost everyone at the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Center speaks English. I can honestly say that it was the most impressive medical service I’ve ever experienced.
In addition to that, the treatment, which I paid for by my BUPA health insurance in the UK, was an improvement on countries like Sweden.
I was given detailed explanations about the surgery. I felt safe and comfortable in my room. The nurse was very kind and helpful and the service was really excellent.”
ERGO Lietuva Gyvybės draudimas (Life Insurance) has been in a mutually beneficial relationships with JSC Impeks Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre for the last 8 years.
Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre provided a lot of medical services for our insured clients. Centre is one of the best medical company in Lithuania that we have ever worked with. Their medical and administration team is very professsional, responsible, much client oriented and we are extremely satisfied with their quality level.
We are very pleased with its services, and therefore we are free to recommed this company to anyone who may be benefit from the services that are available.
Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre provided a lot of medical services for our insured clients. Centre is one of the best medical company in Lithuania that we have ever worked with. Their medical and administration team is very professsional, responsible, much client oriented and we are extremely satisfied with their quality level.
We are very pleased with its services, and therefore we are free to recommed this company to anyone who may be benefit from the services that are available.
I think that the main advantage of the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Center is that patients can get all the services they need – their ailment can be diagnosed and proper treatment or a health check can be done – in just one day.
My Swedish colleagues from Senior Partners club agree that prices in the Centre are very attractive. They plan to come to Lithuania not only for health checks or operations but also to visit places of interest, cultural and historical monuments.
My Swedish colleagues from Senior Partners club agree that prices in the Centre are very attractive. They plan to come to Lithuania not only for health checks or operations but also to visit places of interest, cultural and historical monuments.
Didelės sėkmės sunkiame darbe ir dėkui, už suteiktą galimybę laiku atsikratyti susirgimo.
Хотим выразить искреннюю благодарность докторам и медсёстрам за высокий профессионализм и чуткость. Спасибо замечательному детскому неврологу Синкевичене Я.Н.
Организацией нашего приезда на диагностику занималась Виолетта. Добрейший человек и профессионал своего дела.
Большое всем спасибо.
Рекомендуем всем этот Медицинский Центр для диагностики и лечения.
Организацией нашего приезда на диагностику занималась Виолетта. Добрейший человек и профессионал своего дела.
Большое всем спасибо.
Рекомендуем всем этот Медицинский Центр для диагностики и лечения.
Nuoširdžiai dėkoju chirurginio skyriaus vedėjui Alfredui Songailai, sesutei Romai, gydytojai J.Songailienei už teisingą ligos nustatymą, kokybiškai atliktą operaciją ir malonų bei nepriekaištingą slaugymą po operacijos. Dėkui Jums visiems.
Fišas Jokūbas
Огромная благодарность врачу Йокубас Фишас за назначенное лечение. Такого врача еще не встречал. Приехал из Украины, у нас таких врачей нет. Еще раз огромное спасибо.
Очень положительный, квалифицированный специалист, всем рекомендую !!!!
Nuoširdžiai dėkingas gydytojui R.Jankovski už gydymą. Tai labai dėmesingas, rūpestingas savo srities profesionalas. Ačiū.
Labai profesionali gydytoja G.Mickūnaitienė, suprantanti ir išmananti savo darbą. Atsidavusi darbui, moka išklausyti, nuraminti, patarti ir gerai nuteikti. Taip pat nuoširdi ir rūpestinga. Atmosfera labai puiki ir maloni. Esu labai patenkinta ir dėkinga gydytojai ir seselei už parodytą dukrai dėmesį ir rūpinamąsį. Ačiū.
Už tai kad šiandien esu laiminga mama ir 2-jų anūkių močiutė, noriu padėkoti Gydytojui Stanislovui Maknavičiui ir visai komandai kuri 1986m lapkričio 26d Santariškių vaikų klinikoje atliko sudėtingą plaučių operaciją mano 8-ių metų sūnui Jurijui Pavlovui, šiandien jam 35-ri.